
I guess you are fine with surveillance being used to put people in internment camps and magnifying religious oppression.

Good for them! I hope they use the profits to make even more invasive security features that allow them to imprison hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens in political re-education camps.

They should make everyone watch a video before the flight about it and educate the passengers on what to look out for and how to report it. I bet the reports go up and the offenders get scared and maybe stop.

No, but, pro tip, Dolly Sods has unexploded ordinance you could find and use.

I go backpacking in WV all the time, so I should be pretty good at this game.

You are right, he created $532 billion in value in our world.

So fedora’s and flair are fine? Asking for a friend

Terrible podcast, unlistenable

I deleted Venmo, it became obvious I was paying for drugs, not ponies or vacations like I put in the descriptions.

None of those are correct, you need to hear it from a native and take some classes at a Chinese foreign language Uni.

Want to bang all the hot teenage boys that ignored you in high school? Become a teacher!

You do not want a Chinese made vehicle, plus you need to be taken over by the US in a great war in order to sell cars here... i.e. Britan, Korea, Japan, Germany and Italy...

I be Gucci’d down, you be wearing Lacoste & shit.

How is it “Climate Change” when the link above to the the megafloods models rains that happened in the 1800's? So it happened 100 years ago, normal, happening now LCiMATE CHANGERFOOO!!! OMTERGGGRRR= Make fun of not my president Cheeto face!

Oh what mad shit talking! Oh wait... just some emojis... click bait

Yes 48 people were killed in the 1860's, its a river gorge valley, if the storms line up right this WILL happen and has happened. It will happen again, due to the geography. Move the town and turn it into a big park.

Yea it gets flooding all the time, the best thing to do would be to remove the town and let it go back to nature. A friend of mines home was lost there during Isabella and there are always some major floods. Now that they are taking out the damns, the flooding may get worse. It should all be moved like the old town

Wait... They were not doing that already?

I still like Gushers (no homlesos yo) and I eat a whole 12 pack in less than 10 minutes.

I did however, they better not fuck this up!