
Love me come X-com 2, but I think I have cheated myself. I used Kotaku’s advice and have like 20 save files. Now I am getting through missions with 0 killed after loading a million times. Must play on harder mode and get smoked.

TLDR; More Enemies, Graphics are better, Tables turned and X-Com is more david vs. goliath warfare than Jack-booted GIs stomping pitiful aliens

It matters because the off duty cops have to report their injuries when they go “on-duty”, I guess they could have lied, so as not to offend your sensibilities. LOL

My advice,

Haha those peeps have been owned since birth.

The bro’s at Sandys use McDonalds trays for free to do this.

Kylo Ren and Fin both got slashed badly enough to die IMO. Especially Fin, he got the saber strike right up his spine, his guts should have spilled out his back and onto the snow, causing a giant red pool of blood.

As far as I know, it will still work the same since the MicroSD contains the Flash and Controller that determines it performance, the adapter just allows it to fit in the bigger slot.

As far as I know, it will still work the same since the MicroSD contains the Flash and Controller that determines it

2016 Top Tech Gadgets that got stuck where the sun don’t shine

oh really, my bad, so you just deposit the junk and it unscraps when you need it?

Yes, exactly, store your junk and when you need parts take said junk out, throw it on the ground and then scrap. Some things like a complex toy you find can give you a ton of needed stuff.

Classy interview, she seems very mature for her age.

Almonds are the devil.

The guberment spies probably think I have tourettes due to my hands free infotainment system.

I hope its not on my Frweed Pro app. That app is an invaluable resource.

List of apps where? Must delete!

The closer you buy them to Hershey, PA the fresher. Turkey Hill gas stations in Southern PA being the best for freshness.

He also said that stepping on small objects will hurt like hell if you wear toe shoes.

He also said that stepping on small objects will hurt like hell if you wear toe shoes.

He could not even walk up a flight of steps before he got the “toe” shoes, they must be magic and his opinion of the highest standards.

He could not even walk up a flight of steps before he got the “toe” shoes, they must be magic and his opinion of the

That Vibram reviewer just told me what to do again. And they do not understand the hate...

That Vibram reviewer just told me what to do again. And they do not understand the hate...