
Is it that hard for ley-people? I guess you may be right. However, I am far from a technical Don Juan and I figured how to back-up my photos without much of a fuss. I have showed a lot of family and friends how to just plug in the phone to a Windows computer and walah! the folder is there to copy and paste. I

No way. The cloud is awesome! I just think personal pictures from an iphone are best stored on a computer. I have the 15GB back-up plan on Apple and I would not even know how to begin to get my pics back should I ever lose my iphone. However, I am always pulling up the files i back-up on my personal computer.

Why would you bring your iMac anywhere?

Pro Tip: Plug your iphone into a computer. Copy all your photos to a folder of your choosing. You have successfully backed up your photos and can delete at will. No need for the cloud. Your welcome.

Wow that survey group found all the haterz to participate. My selfies are tha bomb.

Oh no he di'int!

I can't wait till they can actually film in space. This CGI shit is lame.

Either Erics pockets are dirty or the phone scuffs easy. The pic above with the phone in his hand shows some skid marks. Ew. Gross!

thanks guy!

What is up with Apple iPhone 4S and 5 only having 1GB of RAM and running so much better than the other phones with 2GB of RAM?

I normally only buy apps when they first come out, so they are either on sale or full price. I get them before everyone, so I can say I have them before everyone. Then once one of my friends gets the app I delete mine and say "oh I had that when it first came out". Gosh my friends are losers.

Your post was shittier.

You are a gross person.

For the LOVE OF GAWD Gawker, listen to this person, his/her name is ShitMonkeys.

I am already entangled in Vine. Instavideocinamagram things makes my.... YAWN

More like NSA social conditioning software to make an army of confident smooth talking spies.

Got completely hammered and perused some strip clubs the night before a government psych eval for employment. The pole dancers were good, the interview did not go well :(

Do you drive get away cars and smash peoples heads in with your boots as a side job?

no just creepy

Heh, reminds me of the DC dick flipper. A certain guy who would unconsciously flip his dick in front of the mirror while looking at his phone in the gym. EVERYONE SAW YOU DO IT.