
This reminds me of the time when all the poors would go to the dollar theater to see a movie I had already seen for $15 like three months before, I always think "that movie must suck for a dollar".

Paying $1 for a bootlegged game also takes the value out of the game. They just do not feel as fun to play, however when you spend $60, you are forced to like the game and it is more fun.

No blueberry donuts... rankings invalidated

Should the statue of Ray Lewis they are building in B'mo include a deer antler and white mink coat?

Does America own anything other than drones?

Such a dumb product bc Global Warming

I immediately jumped to the conclusion Te'o was in the closet with the Tuiasuopo guy after reading the Deadspin article and the whole girlfriend thing was a cover-up that went waaaay wrong. Amiright?

Dredd was my fav movie of the year. I definitely heard the Stallone excuse whenever I brought up how good the movie was.

I thought being on FB meant you are DTF?? So the answer is YES.

Giz is so obv getting paid to post this cartoon once a week.

No, it was better being left as a snarky comment on Jay Cutler being a pussy.

My city would look a lot more apocalyptic. How does anyone keep those stacks of staples from breaking into four pieces?

My question: Wouldn't A LOT more people be logging in around Christmas time to post all their blurry tilt shifted pics of food, family and friends? Seems like a PR cover up from evil Facebook. Whats up with all the mag-lev haters? Trains in America crashed all the time in the wild west days. How many large wooden bridges have trains fallen off in the past 100 years?

Remember when people used to have to get weed delivered in the mail? I was always afraid the UPS guy would smell it and take it.

Hey Deadspin #sticktosports

I actually tuned in right for it and at the time I thought nothing of it. Calling it an it just seems like a way to rationalize it. Czabe should not be punished for it. It is nothing.

Who cares? Your life is definitely going to end.

Was at a party and the host had made a Blurb book of all her Instagram Photos. They looked so bad blown up, the blurs effect was so obvious and the colors were way to over saturated. Please do not make this mistake. Get a real camera, real software tools and teach yourself to make good photographs.

Reading this made me that much more thankful for Apple products.