
This is obviously a well-disguised time machine, with which they traveled to a future where photoshop existed, edited the lights to a nice brightness, played some video games and returned to their time.

$80 for a memory that’ll last a lifetime—money well spent.

Sounds like a keeper!

Damn, got my Jackson and 20 nickels all ready already...

I’ve seen a couple on the roads, and it’s a bit of a looker. If I’m still in school or holding a first job, and on a limited budget, this would be the nearly-new car to get.

Windows, to start.

For all the winning, obvi.

Hard pass.

Pure joy in the second pic. /bucketlistforsure

Can’t imagine what you see here, then.

Ooooh that’s a nice green.

David Tracy would be buying everyone at the club a round of tall glasses of their finest milk.”

I’m strangely attracted to that flowy, plump shift boot.

Add onto that the likelihood that most cars will look the same in the near future...I’ll NEED auto-slap-me-in-the-face to keep me awake on the road.

I particularly like the super flat doors:

Good luck opening that hatch.

Alas, he cannot.

Alas, he cannot, for even he is not worthy.

I actually got excited for a second there, because I thought there WAS a unicorn with AWD and manual transmission.

Damn, $110k?? So...that Supra is looking like a damn good deal. But yeah, MR2 wouldn’t need to be a $100k+ car. But I still don’t think the market can sustain 3 sports cars from Toyota. It’s not the bubble era anymore.