
Many, not all, of the aft-of-the-front-fender vents are designers’ way of creating a “waist” in the plan view of the car. That is, a “coke bottle” shape. However, due to the market’s ever-increasing need for interior space plus the need for side impact crash protection, cars actually need to be wider at the waist.

Maybe he kept swapping in the 3JZ.

When asked to elaborate, the driver said, “Well, it worked for Michael!

In the U.S., the 86 is usually around $28k MSRP, and the Cayman is a mid-$50k car.

Cue the “This is more Supra than the new Supra” comments...

The hybrid version runs on a mix of gasoline and purists’ tears.

Future aftermarket trend: swapping Jerman-made parts out for Gapanese-made parts.

Window etching. Ugh.

It’s not just VIN, and it’s definitely NOT COUSIN. It’s Vin Diesel!!*”—Vin Diesel

4th gear:

I’m just a poor boy from a poor family,

Our reaction, then, is accurate.

Like a god, it descends from the sky.”

I’ll need a minute.

Should’ve just gone with the 90s Japanese import classic color scheme:

Shaken or stirred, I wonder?

I mean, you might as well go all the way:

If only $kaycog were still that she could, um, gift herself?

Wow, the folds even look like the double chevrons...

Not all powers are bad.