
I want to see a big, fat check in the mail, DC:

Silver lining, David, he can tell cool stories to kids:

“...the Top Gear web presenter who borrowed my iPhone earphone converter jack at the New York Auto Show and never returned it.”

I don’t count that other “James May” article.

3:57. There may be another, but I couldn’t sit through more.

Is that a giant copper pumpkin cookie jar, or are you just happy to see me?”

You know what? If I saw a senior driving the Avalon TRD with his dentures hanging out like Steph Curry, I’d throw a “you aight” nod his way.

Big difference: China is indeed building coal plants to fuel growth, but it also pushes clean energy. It’s smart; keep the fire burning but ramp up clean energy to take over when it can.

“...wisdom of committing 20-50% of the nation’s GDP to building monuments at the whim of the ruling elites.”

That’s how enthusiasts see it; actual buyers just see “Bimmer!”

How does that saying go? “A car on the driveway is worth two on the lot?”

It’s got everything going for it:

Future headlines: used cars sales through the roof as new car prices rise; automakers provides heavy discounts to move inventory; quarterly losses mount; Big Three becomes Big Two, Macchione’s dream comes true; Big Two merges, invests in re-animation to overcome lack of progress on “accident-free” autonomous cars; Mach

Does it matter, though?

If the Fantasti-car gets a Funko Pop version like Spider-Mobile (of which I snagged two):

“We are the best. We are the coolest. We know the most. No one else is like us. Wait, we need more people to be like us.”—Baby Boomers.

Sky blue balls.

I went from sedan to coupe, then a compact SUV, then a minivan, then two more coupes. With the exception of the SUV, they’ve all been Japanese.

Note to self: autonomous cars will not fare well in the coming zombie apocalypse.