“...the Top Gear web presenter who borrowed my iPhone earphone converter jack at the New York Auto Show and never returned it.”
I don’t count that other “James May” article.
3:57. There may be another, but I couldn’t sit through more.
“Is that a giant copper pumpkin cookie jar, or are you just happy to see me?”
You know what? If I saw a senior driving the Avalon TRD with his dentures hanging out like Steph Curry, I’d throw a “you aight” nod his way.
Big difference: China is indeed building coal plants to fuel growth, but it also pushes clean energy. It’s smart; keep the fire burning but ramp up clean energy to take over when it can.
“...wisdom of committing 20-50% of the nation’s GDP to building monuments at the whim of the ruling elites.”
That’s how enthusiasts see it; actual buyers just see “Bimmer!”
How does that saying go? “A car on the driveway is worth two on the lot?”
It’s got everything going for it:
Future headlines: used cars sales through the roof as new car prices rise; automakers provides heavy discounts to move inventory; quarterly losses mount; Big Three becomes Big Two, Macchione’s dream comes true; Big Two merges, invests in re-animation to overcome lack of progress on “accident-free” autonomous cars; Mach…
Does it matter, though?
“We are the best. We are the coolest. We know the most. No one else is like us. Wait, we need more people to be like us.”—Baby Boomers.
Sky blue balls.
I went from sedan to coupe, then a compact SUV, then a minivan, then two more coupes. With the exception of the SUV, they’ve all been Japanese.
Note to self: autonomous cars will not fare well in the coming zombie apocalypse.