
“Ugh, MATERIALISM.”—when I’ve got no money.

I’m just hoping for a factory tour becoming available. Although given their production speed, not sure if there’ll be much action to see...

If said stripper can do things that no other stripper can do—like carry you on her back and find her way out of a desert—I’m not gonna be the one kicking her out of bed.

In Russia, the bus brings the bus stop to you!


By the “non-enthusiast” standard, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone thought it was just any other convertible.

The better to hang witch’s legs through on Halloween!

Share tech, share resources, find a middle ground (e.g. 3.5 wheels).

I’ve done the same! It’s magical how it lures you to sleep without filling your head with useless info right before a test.

Headline news: “Man drifts mustang, all spectators survive.”

That’s true dedication when you go not 1, not 2, but 3(!) on the C-Span scale.

What was the point of the Scion xD!”

So...a reliable, Japanese version of VW?

“Quit horsin’ around, Timmy!”

The bubble costs $98k?!

I felt like I just read an internal dialogue of yours, David.

Wowee, can’t say I expected THIS.

x 96 month no interest loan = I will make money in 3 years when I sell it!

“Tesla made a profit, so what now?”

I’m a big Mazda fan, so I follow closely how Mazda navigates as a tiny brand and tailors its offerings to its target market given very limited resources. Basically, Mazda can’t offer a gazillion models and their respective options like BMW can. But Mazda certainly wants to move upmarket because mid-market is too