A one-way ticket to death, apparently. ;)
A one-way ticket to death, apparently. ;)
I shouldn’t be surprised; my 1990 Camry is only 5" shorter than the new Corolla.
It probably took months of internal study for Ford to make a decision to get rid of its sedans.
Is the 3 really that big? Damn...
It’s a good take because I want their values to stay low until I can buy one.
BMW M: Mo money, mo problems.
You even wrote about it and didn’t mention it! There better be a Part 2 to this...
Its a damn awd 323 GTX and they didnt mention it at all.
“That’s a Lambo, dude.”
Most cabs in China are already VWs. VW Santanas, to be more precise.
“Wanting to up the stakes...”
That’s what I thought it was gonna be when I read the headline. I was a bit disappointed.
The wifey having a big car is the reason I’m allowed to have 2 small cars. ;)
Shady dealers are shady.
That’s not camo. Look closer, those are tiny M badges.