
Except the FAA was established half a century after the First Flight. Obviously, we have highway agencies now, but I see them as woefully unknowledgeable/uninformed about autonomous cars—BOTH because of endless bureaucracy and the secrecy with which these companies operate.

Don’t fret; that $40k will “trickle” down soon enough.

Best. Ad. Ever.

You’re telling me; I’m like the Michelle Kwan of the Jalopnik COTDlympics.

Where did you put my F, woman?!

Entrenched corporate culture.


It’s called “pre-infused character”.

I’m on the fence about this. Should we be more careful with permitting companies to test? Yes. But should we let two tragedies discourage us from the pursuit of something that has the potential to significantly reduce traffic deaths? I don’t believe so.

I just meant it’s just slightly too long.

Some cars look good in any color. ;)

Agreed on most, if not all, of your list. I think yellow requires a relatively simple fascia; too many openings will ruin the color, which in turn ruins the whole car.

Nope, nope, nope. I think the S2000 has the perfect shade. Yellow is a finicky color; it has to be the right shade.

The S2000 is one of the very few cars that look splendid in yellow. I’ve never been a big fan of the S2000—the nose looks a bit long—but in yellow? I want it BADLY.

Yeah, that’s a bit stupid.

Counterpoint: if it actually came with a ZMP, it’d be legit gangsta.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

All I want right now is a fresh pair of Japanese-dyed denims.

Agreed. I don’t really want to compare Singer to Canepa because both are excellent at what they do, but Singer’s got a MUCH better eye for color.

Compact CUV: Mitsu