
So Michael Vick goes to JAIL for killing some dogs, and Chris Brown beats the crap out of a young girl and gets probation? Am I the only one who thinks this is a little wacked?

I understood the Ford 351 was used because he had a Pantera gearbox to work with.

I think the discussion about GM quality is a little unfair on this one.

If Ford would love a little positive PR, have the cars hauled over to Chrysler on flatbeds, drop them off, give him a car with a $1 salary for consulting. Perfect photo op.

I never like to criticize anyone else's designs or builds, but that is a serious amount of weight on those stock Mustang II control arms. I would say a few minutes of suspension travel and those things are folding up, thus making a very heavy engine turn into a very heavy anchor.

anybody seen the actual list od dealers staying?@GasGuzzler:

Lets hope that Mr Watkins hasnt created the worldest smallest coffin with wheels.

2 MPH? Ive seen a guy dance a backhoe around faster than that.

Not to defend some of the upper end asshats a GM, but a real reason to dump the stocks could be to lessen a tax issue they may have.

GM executives give bankruptcy signal by selling shares

Just when you think you've seen it all.....

I have to defend the HHR Mine gets 28 mpg, works like a baby Suburban and I get thumbs ups a whole lot more than any Toyota rental I have driven@rgspb:

If they are gonna kill off every cool product they have wouldn't that make them, Toyota?

I don't want to come off as unti-cat, but why did they destroy a wheel just to get it loose?

There isnt no many things I have found funny in the car business these days, But that is damn hilarious

After you watch it, click on the historic stuff, LTD vs Pinto and Impala vs Vega too scary

Taking money from the government is kinda like borrowing it from one of your buddies. He offers to help you out, it seems like a good idea, then before you know it he's questioning everything you do, what you are spending money on, and when he's gonna get paid.

No matter what kind of asshat Mosley is, nobody deserves that.

Always a class act, RIP Dom

In Automotive News it was just announced that Chrysler was only going to pay incentive payments to 75% of its dealers. That means the dealers who havent even been told they could be terminated, will just simply have their cash flow cut off so they can go bankrupt. And will those dealers be forced to sue customers that