
I bet there are dozens of body shops and specialty Corvette shops who have looked at this, ran the numbers and passed. I'm guessing the frame is tweeked enough that its scaring people off or there is a lot of stuff shattered under it.

Didn't GM spend a couple of billion ot get OUT of a deal with Fiat? I'm gonna have to get a better scorecard to keep this mess straight

In the days when the big three made a profit, show cars were a cool look into our future, even when we knew it might never happen. Now with the disaster that all of us in the automotive industry face, I wonder how long we will have to wait until we get a glimpse into the future again.

I have less of a problem with rusting frames than i do with the main stream news media. This will never make to CNN or MSNBC with nothing more than a little blip. If this had been any of the big three, it would have been on the front page of every newspaper and web site in the country, plus lots of special reports on

Biturbo, yea thats gonna stick in my head all day...

I guess when it originally translated to "master race" they felt that was a tad, pushy

Motor Trend Magazines "Top Towed Vehicle of 2010"

No whining about open exhaust,

Whats that spinning noise coming from Robert E Petersons grave?

Since my fIrst car was a Pontiac, the car I got laid in first was a Pontiac, I cant help but be a little sad today. I really think I need to quietly walk up to the showroom where I work, Grap the keys to the Red G8 GXP 6 speed stick sitting there, roll the car outside, and then do a nice long burnout across the front

GM dealers are barely staying in business and GM is considering doing this?

Nice car, you know the guys at Porsche are getting an ass chewing right about now.

Wasn't the orginial name for the Camaro suppose to be the Puma?

Picking up your date in a new Camaro = Could get layed

I'm guessing if the body is orginial, that AMG just built another frame, much like the 59 to 62 Corvette guys use under their cars to bring the updated brakes, drivetrain etc. without damaging the body. The camo is hopfully a nice wrap job,

Just once I'd love to see a local news crew cover a story like this, a live feed, the drama of the person being trapped, the newscaster wondering how long the person would be subjected to the extreme heat inside the car, the swat team attempting to talk the person out.

I can see where the spoiler would be effective if the vehicle was,

Ok I'll say it, the wheels suck...

The XP-79B (after delays because of bursting tires and brake problems on taxiing trials on the Muroc dry lake) was lost on its first flight 12 September 1945. While performing a slow roll 15 minutes into the flight control was lost for unknown reasons. The nose dropped and the roll continued with the aircraft

I can see it now,