
With the recent announcement of OnStar being available for older vehicles, why would OnStar decide to exclude GM dealers to sell the product? It was announced it would be sold and installed at Best Buy stores, have you not read any consumer blogs about the problems with Best Buy? Getting customers to GM dealers

A few facts being reported here locally, these guys both took off after the race, how many people race somebody with a crowd present and just leave? How many people had to have called these guys to tell them what they did. Also the local track, Gateway Raceway has been closed down. Accidents happen, but they need

Having been in this very situation, I feel a little qualified to comment. My ex wife slept with my daughter nearly every night (easily 95% of the time) and it has affected my daughter in ways I would never have expected. Notice I said ex wife, and oh by the way, my daughter will not speak to me since the divorce (3

Carpet what?

Oh what a feeling DULLOTA!

I cant wait to see it at Barrett Jackson, ears attached and all.....

Yes but can it spread Grey Poupon on a baloney sandwich?

Why is it I get the feeling that Holden does whatever the hell it wants? I'm guessing GM rarely sends anyone down there because they either stay, or come back bloodied and beaten......

Are we keeping the secert handshake?

What would really be a miracle if the guy buying it not being a tool....

Wasnt there a great skit on SNL that introduced the Earl of Sandwich, and Mr and Mrs Douchebag?

My ex insisted she use one after every time we had sex, Trying to tell her it wasn't good for her did no good.

Ruined the entire honeymoon?

Hey Tiger, Can you autograph this carfax for me?

How u say "oh shit" in Taiwanese?

"Maximum Bob Lutz"

I would be curious if it has anything to do with the 2 billion dollar LIE he told congress. You know, all the money GM would save by killing off its dealers?

Knowing just how many hard core Corvette knuckleheads that has to piss off, I for one think he is a genius.....

So a tree hugging green peace mother earth loving car can obnly manage a "chirp"?

We have a similar situation here in the midwest, an Illinois State Trooper killed two girls on his way to a non emergency traffic accident. He was traveling 109 mph while on his cell phone. This happened 2 years ago and still no trial for this piece of s@*t