
I would have a lot more faith in Mr Wagoners ability if he had shown some willingness to get his balls out of his purse and actully run the company. In typical GM style its "react slowly so as not to rock the boat" when Mr. Wagoner has failed to realize the boat is already grounded on the beach, and taking on water.

So this is what you get when you mix a case of Colt 45s and a case of walmart paint?

If engines had a soul, this one would truly wonder how it was ripped from Grandpas Cadillac and wound up in that thing.

Requires body work, paint, upholstery, illumination wiring, ornamentation to finish. Work thus far done by professional custom car building shop. Includes all glass, power windows, swing up doors, fiberglass parts, lights. A project for a skilled enthusiast or shop wanting to finish for profit. Completed cars

Good lord, and I just got back from lunch

I wish at least one of them had pulled the

Yea I want to see any of the "Detroit 3" go under so I have to buy that turd. Geez

Im gonna get those little bastards at Jalopnik

God I need a drink.....

I have a problem with people thinking we should kill off any of the Buick Pontiac GMC trio.

I havent heard any comments about what the GOVERMENT should do to help.

It still amazes me that the very people who state that the domestic cars and trucks suck, when you call them out on it, havent steped foot in a dealership in ten years. Or they base their information on a product that is 20 years old. Chevette? was perfect for the market in its day, Citation? same thing. Remember when

Rick Wagoner should simply say....

would be fun to run it through a car wash just to see the little crystal flying off

No really

Heres a triva question, name me ONE company in history that has kept the CEO that drove them in the ground around long enough to see that person bring the company back to profitability.

Im still waiting on an explaination why Rick Wagoner still has a job.

Somebody please explain to me how the banks and investment companies, that make NOTHING, can get a huge goverment bailout, loan, payoff or whatever to cover thousands of crappy home mortage loans, yet when credit its tightened, and fuel priced double, everyone thinks that the big three problems all have problems THEY

Hopefully he is announcing his retirement asshat

Recycling last years display vehicle is just plain tacky