
Phone conversation for Tesla headquarters:

You cant help but wonder how far these things have to be destroyed before they are considered a "total loss"

"Pontiac offers a 5 year / 100,000.00 warranty (and with only 2227 miles you will be covered for years)"

Boy you know they are gonna have one hell of a christmas party (sarcasm)

I really want to see it crash tested,

@biminitwst: I already contacted my buddy at GM to get a VIN # block on that peice of crap. Good luck getting any warranty buddy...

We are really being over critical here, he just forgot the decimal point, Its really only $299.00

The sad thing is this guy has a whole circle of friends who have told him it looks cool, the whole time laughing their asses off behind his back.

"It's like they turned the streets into a racetrack," she said.

I am sure the anti-big 3 are going to be rejoicing at the news. But the simple fact is most of these dealerships contribute tax revenue to the city and county they are in, are involved in community charities and support local businesses. 700 closures of any business isnt good.

Teaser Photos are the manufacturers way of saying

New craze coming soon: Ta Ta tipping

I for one would like to nominate Rick Wagoner to be dragged out of the office and tarred and feathered, But then there would be protest from the asphalt collation and of course some tree hugger group for all the feathers used.

the one year I decide to skip SEMA

Next week on "Extreme Crashes and Mishaps" school bus hy jinxs

This is my favorite "I screwed up because I was an idiot" story. In the late 70's I got my first car, a big huge 68 Pontiac Catalina fastback. It was my parents car from new, so I was already embarrased by it, although now I'd of course take one in a second. Having to suffer the looks of whitewall tires at the time, I

This explains why we are getting nervous about our floorplaning.

I had a passenger side airbag problem with my last car,

Needs more cowbell

I'm waiting for the "hookers dressed as Nazis" edition.