
that's why i ditched my facebook and twitter accounts. i try to keep my online time to a minimum if i can.


@matt_mcmhn: i was thinking that same thing

now THAT is a professional backdoor brag

that could be super annoying after a while.

detailed space photos go.

these make me claustrophobic

it's strange that nobody else took any shots. or were they just not up to iphone standards?

cutting edge

wow that guy is dumb. hey there's a camera pointed this way and they're all looking at it. i wonder if i'm in the shot

@HTownTime: im really struggling to grasp why any of this matters. four simple words 'i still want one' and suddenly every bike messenger with a keyboard comes flailing out of the woodwork all fists and elbows. is it a race bike? clearly not. is it a cruiser? who the fuck cares, and as for being a shaft drive,

@Bluecold: well i mean, there appears to be no easy way to change the chain ring or cog sizes. looks like wheel size is also limited. seat looks needlessly light and painful for a bike that's not meant for racing... but it's new. ha

i love having high end stuff, but... if i ever get to this point in my life somebody slap me.

excellent design comes at the cost of making it look like a girls bike. i still want one. and i don't even ride.

what did it plug into? i assume not the bomb haha.

yet another example of 'less is more'.

heartbeat sensor! Looks like Cheney is screwed



who cares about building codes?