
at least we know that rock band is an integral part of the mission.

@randomguy26: according to that link its not time to buy stock in liquid metal. thank god gizmodo has tons of upstanding members like urself– vigilant trollers, ever-ready to point out flawed threads with a quickly timed well placed link! i dedicate my next alcoholic beverage to the too much free-time squad.

so buy stock in liquid metal...

way to stick it to the man steve. now all you have to do is jail break your pho... hmmmmm

healthy competition is a good thing. this way apple can continue to sell ipads at an alarming rate, while they study all these new pads and see what they can do better (cough open-source). Then at the exact moment consumer "A" decides they would rather have a trendy iPad instead of the Cisco's darth vader special, BAM

@shufflemoomin: oh ill get to you in a moment. can't be bothered right now.

makes sense. HP has been f&$ing people for years.

oh google 'says' huh? sup red...

this is amazing

oh... i get it... this is useless. and ugly. congrats. i tip my hat to you. you have entered history via the pages of gizmodo. for no reason what so ever. what's your next project. gonna convince me that burritos taste better if i cook them in the oven instead of the microwave?

wow. wonder if people who have actually won the lottery find this amusing. i'll bet not. except for the one dude who blew it all

omg. that's like... so fast n stuff

is this 'old ass shit' week at giz? i saw this ages ago.

i think the main idea is missed by this article. yoko is an insane fucking art whore who would never. ever. ever. ever. in a million years become famous and or a media icon if lennon hadn't taken a drug induced liking to her ridiculous "art". so of course she's going to fight itunes. why not? 25 percent? who cares.

@Orionsaint: no kidding. All my beatles cds are already ripped to itunes.


im reading this because? does anyone edit your tips or do you just post whatever the fuck seems relevant. im sorry... not relevant. 2006 you say?

it scares the shit out of me that someone somewhere spent money on this concept. literally just shit my pants because this is so incredibly stupid. GIZ needs to diversify into two separate pages. one dedicated to actual news and one dedicated to 'wtf, maybe in another 20 years'

well hell.