
every single person on this list deserved to die. know why? because they had the money to actually build this shit to begin with. i'm doing pretty well for myself and i can barely afford groceries.

4500 is 180,500 less than 185,000. i like this display because all the pilot widows can check it on a daily basis. see the one on the left? that's where john was shot in the head by a .50 caliber round and crashed into his own carrier. tommy is proud to grow up without a father

this is amazing! no! it's not! because i like having relations with women!

said it before. i'll say it again. "now i can take my blue screen of death with me wherever i go"

who gives a f

wow. that's an amazing comic. i laughed so hard that i died and came back to life and re read it and realized that it's not funny in any way shape or form. wtf do magnets have to do with it?

is that police box on your roof or are you just happy to see me?

@sarge5: haha the ring sized psp

i can't wait to play half life 2 in 1,900,000x768

@techynottreky: i like the minimalist nature of it, but in general i agree with you techynottreky. my favorite part is probably the floor to ceiling windows that separate the bedroom from wherever else. also it appears that the bedroom doubles as an office... how about ditching some of that crappy art and putting a

hi there

i have the perfect answer for this: if this is something you are concerned about you should kill yourself. audio levels? i have 120 gigs of music. and it plays... just FINE. i don't adjust the volume because it changes on an average of once every 50 songs. there are people dying in africa. goodnight

cool. useless. this is the technological equivalent of... something i can't say on this blog.

@irfan: that is so completely false. unless you host really crappy parties. also tv trumps a projector screen. it didn't in 1975 but it does now. no vision. the world is a crazy place

@HTownTime: and since i know how the internet works, your next move will be to point out how i just identified myself as a drunken idiot, and that apple can't make case fans work. which are all true things.

@hightouch: i've actually never had a kernel panic on my iphone. and i've had 2 of them. since they came out. i put apple care on the 2nd one because i accidentally threw the 1st one into a wall when i was drunk swinging it around like a mace.

great! now i can take my blue screen of death with me wherever i go!