
Do not read any comment sections — well, other than here — on his daughter. If you remember her as a kid, you will want to vomit when you see the persistant need to sexualize this 16 year old.

Besides the fact that graphic novels are grueling and time intensive, you really seem to think the only life worth having involves working yourself to death.

Jeez Kevin Smith looks too young to have a daughter that age. I guess manually masturbating caged animals for artificial insemination is the real fountain of youth

So which is it? He’s done nothing but smoke pot and read comic books for 10 years or a guy who has made a l0t of shitty movies in that time? Because both can’t be true. You may not like his work, but it’s hard to accuse him of being listless or lazy. He works a ton.

Yeah, but he can spend his time and money anyway he wants. It would be different if he still lives with his parents and all he does is smoke weed while reading comic books. He’s employed and obviously raising his kid to be smart enough to question people. He’s also the only reason Jay is still alive.

she seems to really like her name and loves everything Harley Quinn related so I don’t see a problem. Nerd families are good too.

Two men tried to lure her into their car, under false pretenses. If you can read that and come away thinking Kevin Smith is the sad excuse for a man, you must just really hate Kevin Smith, amirite?

And come on, he made Dogma. And God was played by Alanis!

My guess is Crazy, Stupid, Love which starred both Marisa Tomei and Julianne Moore.

Harley and her dad seem to have a really cute relationship. It’s not like mine with my father, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good. They seem really happy and spend a lot of time together.

I like to treat myself to a “Sorry Men Suck” cake every Wednesday. Also known as just “cake”.

everything I hear about Kevin Smith is that he’s generally a really nice guy, it’s no surprise he’s a good dad too

Yeah, strikes me as a pretty excellent way to spend any decade of your life.

which is a terrible way to live when you are in your 40s

When he did that DC special for Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, DC gifted him Harley Quinn’s baseball bat from the film.

Kevin Smith is delightful, imo. And I don’t even care that he named his kid after a Batman villain—his comic nerd cred checks out.

whatever you think of Kevin Smith he comes off as a really great, genuinely loving dad.

George McGovern and Jimmy Carter, two people whose candidacies and presidencies are always remembered in a positive light as a shining success.

Congratulations, girleen, you survived 1 election and learnt one big ol’ lesson about how reality brings your ideals down a peg! Now, survive a couple ten-twenty more elections, & then you can talk ‘grizzled’.

Or as if it matters at all. There’s not a lot they can pull out of the bag in terms of opposition that they didn’t try on Obama, and Obama got quite a lot done. So, whatever. Whichever Democrat wins would have the same problem, which has already been proven to be not-insurmountable.

“I sure hope — we’re in Bernie Sanders’ backyard here in New Hampshire — I sure hope he intends to show up in his neighboring state”...“There is nothing worse than a debate about debates.”