In terms of future solo prospects, Harry Styles is the Justin Timberlake. Zayn is the Lance Bass, if Lance Bass was more like Nick Carter.
In terms of future solo prospects, Harry Styles is the Justin Timberlake. Zayn is the Lance Bass, if Lance Bass was more like Nick Carter.
Yup. I’m all for integrating alternative health care into allopathic (western/modern/real) medicine, but not just going alone.
No, but one day he might get eaten by a shark because he is a long distance ocean swimmer and I have left instructions with the sharks.
I have loved Kristen Bell without reservation since the Sloth Meltdown.
Welcome back to television, Sister Pete! I hope you find your new digs more comfortable than the Oswald State Correctional Facility.
He can have a point. Just the one.
Well, if you’re going to marry a Troll, it might as well be the King of the Trolls.
You mean the object of the game was to have a friendly naked wrestling match with a tied up Native American woman, surely.
The atrocities are in blue.
Came here to find this post; was not disappointed.
So, this isn’t a mural from the Pawnee, IN courthouse?
Probably depends on whether you’re allowed to make Hugh prance around in a little bunny outfit for your amusement.
LA is so weird to me! It’s the only place I know that is both madly in love with itself AND perfectly happy bulldozing over its own history.
I can barely work at home with my DOGS, and it’s legal to lock them in their crate when their tits need cooled.
I wanted to ask about paid maternity leave so badly.
This spam is topical spam.
Jesus, John Kasich. You’re supposed to be the smart one. The kinds of jobs you’re talking about, the ones with offices and telecommuting and computers, are the ones that ALREADY provide paid family leave as part of their benefits packages. You can’t telecommute to your job at the fast-food restaurant, or Walmart, or…
Seriously. When like every interview ever given states how New York is as important a ‘character’ as the four ladies... why on earth would you make them leave for most of the movie! The movie should have just been called “& the” because there was no sex and no city.
I’ve been briefly tempted just to see if it’s really as bad as everyone says, and then I get a grip and shake myself out of the urge to self-harm...