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    Why would we just know that? “White slavery” is an actual term that’s been used for quite some time to describe human trafficking, usually sexual in nature, as distinct from the generational and institutionalized slavery that affected (primarily) Black people. When anyone else says white slavers, it means slavers who

    Because Tumblr is mostly women, and once you start letting women spend three goddamn minutes of their day focused on something that isn’t what they can do for men, all hell breaks loose. Next thing you know, boners are sad all over the world, and those Tumblr bitches are too busy having fun to care.

    Well, and these assholes know that. They need you anxious and they need you ashamed and they need you fearful, so you’ll rededicate your life to giving them something pretty to look at, because their whims matter and your happiness doesn’t. That’s the whole point of “bringing back” fat shaming. They need to drive you

    Totally unnecessary to whom? Honestly, this seems like the same cluelessness that leads people to say, “God, why do you have to talk about being gay, nobody even CARES who is or isn’t gay anymore!” Like, actually, no, we don’t live in the magical land where bigotry no longer exists. People are literally calling for

    I don’t know what you mean — Spotify lets you choose anything you want to stream, and assemble your playlists any way you like. I have fifteen or twenty, all about four hours long, that I cycle through periodically, some themed and some just collections of things I found skipping around Spotify that I love.

    I do pay for music I download. But Spotify (which I also pay for, since I use it in my office and need the commercial-free version) is the equivalent of radio, rather than buying albums. It’s how I find things I might like to buy, and since radio is terrible now and I have things to do with my eyeballs that prevent me

    Reminder that acting them out and selling them takes on different meaning in the context of a rape culture than it would in Plato’s Republic, where all the kinks are just and all the porn is excellent.

    First-wave? Like...a suffragist? I think you’re probably wrong, but god I hope you’re right.

    I think with some age differences, this can be the issue, because girls really do for whatever reason mature intellectually and emotionally a bit faster than boys do. So if a girl is 15 or 16, yeah, maybe her best connections and conversations are with a dude who’s 17, 18, 19. I know my mother worried a shit-ton about

    Agreed that covering for serial rapists is a problem in basically all communities, but — weird as I feel saying this — it seems like the porn industry should be holding itself to a higher standard.

    Weird to make this story from New York into a point about flyover states, but okay.

    And it affects the light sentencing, too. If it doesn’t fit the narrative of Monstrous Sexual Sadism, well, he doesn’t deserve a *rapist’s* punishment. He’s not a monster! He has many good qualities, unlike Rape’N’Murder-type rapists, who have none!

    I’m not her biggest fan, but she does have a genuinely sweet smile.

    No, he won’t be the Republican nominee. No, the Republican nominee won’t instead be sort of reasonable. But he will be less unreasonable than Trump! So...there’s that?

    They kind of are? If you oppose something, by definition you have objections to it. So the amount of daylight between not opposing something and not objecting to it is very small. In this case, he expressed neither opposition nor objection, though he didn’t actively endorse the idea.

    Every person in the country could vote for him, and he wouldn’t be President. Convention delegates vote for who the fuck they like, and while they normally deliver as expected, I 1000% believe they would refuse in this case. Hell, they’re already hashing out the backroom deals for who the party is going to push into

    I don’t think her performance of it is all that great, but it’s still one of the best poems of the 20th century.

    She clearly says “other side” at the beginning of the chorus and “outside” in the middle. I don’t get the fuss.

    Okay, I’m not that worried about a Trump presidency, but it’s still quite clear to me that regardless of the ‘16 election outcome, this is becoming a very difficult country in which to be a Muslim. So what can the rest of us do? Who should we be supporting — organizations, I mean, not candidates — who are working to

    The Kids Today may not remember, but when Bill Clinton’s name came up for the ‘92 nomination *nofuckingbody* who wasn’t from Arkansas or hereabouts knew who he was. A huge piece of his early campaign was this sort of folksy, grassroots, viral-social-media-before-that-existed thing where every Democrat in three states