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    Politicians don’t spend all that time kissing hands and shaking babies because it doesn’t work. Sure, there are some sociopath businessfolk who make their donation decisions based sheerly on bottom-line calculations, but for the most part, people are deeply susceptible to being made to feel valued and liked. That.

    I mean, it weirdly works! People are totally like, “Yeah, I got shanked hard, but...he was just a really charming guy, and look! A handwritten note!” Et voila: Bill Clinton.

    This is where you see the Southern coming out in the Clintons, and why Southerners tend to make successful politicians. The power of a thank-you note and a casserole is massive.

    Yeah, I just have to remind myself that I’m not anti-death penalty because I don’t want some people dead. I’m anti-death penalty because I *do,* because all of us at some point do. The state needs to not put that gun in my hand for me, because if I were on a jury in a case like this, I couldn’t be trusted to live up

    I can’t even figure out how it would be some kind of burn. “I’m going to really show my ex-husband by — changing my hair to something similar to the way his new girlfriend once wore her hair!” Like, that’s — probably nothing, but if it were something, wouldn’t it be more pathetic than anything else?

    I would happily support any MRA project that dealt with releasing the chokehold the prison-industrial complex has on this country.

    You’re adorable.

    What’s wrong with it is that the judge is explicitly using our inability and/or unwillingness to protect convicts from rape, to leverage the behavior she wants out of her defendant. It’s an example of how the legal system has decided that if threatening people with the loss of fifteen years of freedom isn’t

    It’s Private Romeo, and it’s a really good movie! Recommend.

    Hoping someone else can be persuaded to deal out the rape you’ve judged someone deserving of isn’t the world’s strongest statement of your principled objection to rape.

    No. Stop. Come on, can we just get some fucking consensus on this, please? Being raped is never fair. It’s never justice. It’s never good news. Stop.

    THAT VIDEO THO. That is fucking mesmerizing. I don’t know what to say.

    I know this seems harmless or too petty to get upset about to many people, but come on, think this through, you know? It’s HARD ENOUGH for women to overcome social programming that says complaining about harassment is being a whiny little bitch and you should prove you’re a tough chick by taking it and appearing not

    Yeah, the dick quotes around “pagan church” seemed especially unnecessary. Yeah, we, uh, have those! It’s the legal term in the US for 501c nonprofit religious organizations. Whether or not the idea seems hilarious to you, it’s not something we’re just dreaming up.

    Is this the same woman he went totally off the rails on and was yelling online about how he wanted her to be raped? I mean, I think harassers rarely are assholes to just one woman, so I don’t want to assume.

    Thank you. I hate the “Shakespeare was just turning out popular hits for money!” trope. He *was* popular, and intended to be popular, but it’s absurd to suggest he didn’t also care very much about craft and meaning.

    Why are you so invested in defending people’s right to valorize concepts that suck? I don’t wish any harm on this father or daughter, but I think it’s been well explained why the rest of us find this objectively awful. They’re free to hold values we find awful. We’re not obligated to be excited about it.

    An honest and decent person, if they found themselves suddenly shocked by the idea that some middle-school children have to worry more than Bristol did about their sexual health, would be primarily concerned about *finding and arresting* the men who are raping and impregnating middle-school girls.

    Except that the FBI agent said they never found any actual women being sold. It’s not to say it doesn’t happen somewhere, but the article you posted is about arrests being made in an FBI sting operation where people *thought* they were buying women, from FBI agents. It’s an interesting article, and I’m glad some of

    NOOOPE, he included pagans on his list of things he was open to in a dating match, not things he himself was. Bouncing him right back to you! Not it!