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    I’m not trying to jump on you, and I get what you’re saying. It makes sense that this is the particular issue that’s getting you cranked up right now, since it’s what you’re dealing with most recently. But I would encourage you to look at the way you yourself frame these two facts:

    We should all get some kind of badge or battle scar that we can wear the first time we’re told that everyone would love us so much more if we were just a little weaker. I swear it’s the only experience that unites all women everywhere. We should turn it into a legit rite of passage.

    The word "should" is always pretty subjective, of course. But for people doing full days of physically repetitive tasks on their feet, massages absolutely *are* a form of on-site health care that can keep you from major back, neck, and joint problems, themselves the source of an epic, perpetual drain on a company's

    Are we really going to entertain the idea that all the prostitutes brought in by the cartels were uncoerced volunteers? Of course there's such a thing as sex workers who do not work out of desperation or under threat, but come the fuck on, what are the chances in this case that all of them fit that description?

    No, they'll keep on being predators. Their victims won't be non-victims just because they're fellow prisoners. (I know you didn't say that, but it's a thing with me. Throwing sexual predators in prison doesn't fix the problem! It just shunts it off onto victims we perceive as more disposable.)

    I think it's because of her whole, "If people wore what I wanted them to wear, everyone would be more attractive to my eyes, and that's what really matters." If that's your argument, then yeah, I do think you should be prepared for the response of, "Okay, lady, but I find your clothing unattractive, too, so we seem

    Yes, but only one of those things is asshole behavior.

    Shorter Fran Lebowitz: I am angry because total strangers do not prioritize my sense of aesthetics over whatever criteria they use when picking out their clothes!

    Is it just me, or are most of these...pretty reasonable reactions? "My favorite band is changing lineups, and I'm pretty bummed about it! I had great memories of the people I bonded to, and the new thing will be different, which makes me feel loss!" I mean, I think this does not constitute losing one's shit? Okay,

    I especially hate it coming from fucking Dinesh D'Souza, who has been a citizen of not one but TWO nations pretty spectacularly famous for overthrowing colonialist oppressors and championing self-rule.

    And yet every time they run a primary, Republicans vote for these Gingrichian douchebags who spend their whole camera time screaming about America's horrifying decline. If Obama said even a TENTH of the negative shit about the US that a Sarah Palin or a Mike Huckabee does, they'd impeach him for treason.

    I think she's saying "go ahead and kick him while he's down." Jokes *about* Bill Cosby seem unlikely to be pro-Bill Cosby.

    The Wreckers' "Leave the Pieces" should be everybody's breakup anthem. Sorry to hear that Michelle Branch is in need of one, but — seriously, it's a killer song.

    Well, if we yell at people for misgendering others on the internet, the only responsible choice is to figure the hell out what gender the person identified as. And since the victim is not able to answer questions, checking with his close friends seems logical, yeah? I mean, we're not "debating" in "graphic detail,"

    No, I think it was "please do not misgender." Maybe things got confused b/c I dunno how long the update took, but the victim's buddy says that he identified as a man. Be full of rage — be full of all the rage! — but it's fair to let readers of the comments know that at our current state of information, "SHE deserves

    Yeah, but I think the point is that it isn't something *robbers* usually use to explain why safecracking is NBD. "Well, they had money, so what was I going to do, not rob them? Grow up!" I mean...yeah, not robbing them is a good option! Somebody still might, but that doesn't somehow mitigate your culpability if

    I knew my mate online for about a year, then lived in adjacent cities and visited each other for about eight months. The opportunity came to move to the same city and we went for it, on the principle of What the Hell. We'd never been in the same house for more than a few days on end up to that point.

    So? Vegetarians are just people who don't eat meat, but we lump them together all the time. You can be associated with others by what you don't do in common, just as much by what you actively do.

    This IS exactly why people don't report, and it's also why consent education is crucial — for *women,* as well as for men. When women are raped, they too often internalize the dominant script — it must have been an accident, a mistake, a miscommunication, probably their fault at least as much as his, etc etc — and

    Whereas I do not love Katy Perry so much, but I like her marginally more than Taylor Swift! (Okay, that one song about aliens is aces, I like that one more than marginally.) You and I should have an extremely low-stress, half-hearted duel that peters out around the middle when we get bored with it!