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    Is George Zimmerman like one of those television serial killers who Wants to Be Caught? I almost feel sorry for him. He is clearly doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to go to prison, why won't someone just send him to prison?!?

    Dunno if you were asking that seriously or not, but here's the short version of the serious answer to "how the shit does THAT happen" — the American Evangelical church tradition (it's a collection of historically affiliated denominations and non-denominational churches, not a single institution like the Catholic

    Why don't they just name the damn shades of polish? Wouldn't that be easier? Instead of sending out paint samples, couldn't just be like "These four OPI shades, these two in Sephora, etc, if you can't locate one of these, ask a sister to share." I feel like if you're going to be scrutinizing my shade of turquoise,

    What? I'm 99% sure that we watch him rape his first victim in the very first episode. Admittedly, that's when I stopped watching, so — what am I missing? Was that not actually happening?

    Look, I'm just saying, writers aren't the special snowflakes they like to think they are, and they aren't uniquely qualified to know what's going to work as a movie. Mario Puzo had his "vision," but his novel was mediocre and the movie was better, because Coppola had some ideas, too. I'm pleased that he didn't have

    Her "vision" is "what if Edward Cullen weren't a vampire and he did have a lot of sex with Bella?" I am 98% sure that the director was desperately fighting to turn the books somehow, someway into a movie that wouldn't insult the intelligence of a normal adult audience. I mean, I hear what you're saying about

    For serious, I think it's the only way to go if this personhood nonsense takes any further root. Okay, it's a person. If there's a motherfucker physically latched onto me and sucking out my bodily nutrients without my permission, you better believe I'm killing that guy. Self-defense, you tiny vampire asshole.

    Good thing I have Airheads on DVD.

    People still think American Beauty is a great movie, and it's literally about a man who finds his true self via deciding he wants to fuck a 15-year-old. I mean, in the last analysis he decides he probably shouldn't do that, but how is that less weird than a movie where she didn't know the guy was a student (which I'm


    In fairness, his last big thing was kinda those movies that made a bazillion dollars. I mean, if you give someone 30 minutes of build-up, it really ought to be something really surprising — like Janis Joplin surprising — but that's marketing for you. But yeah, I think they're counting on him not being "that guy from

    Just out of curiosity, did they deal at all with Robyn Crawford, or did she just not exist in this reality?

    I think what pisses me off most about this kind of thing is that a lot of perfectly pro-choice women do have abortions and have emotions they want to work out around that. Not everyone does! Some people are fine and go on just relieved and happy as clams. But there are women who do need some mental health care

    I admit that I don't really get this. They gave her an out — just CHOOSE A DATE. The dude is her fiance, theoretically. They're already discussing what a giant, fancy wedding they want. Choose a goddamn date. Done. Why is she so invested in playing chicken with her employers over this? Just to prove a point?

    My freshman year at a women's college, I was amused to see all these previously very self-conscious girls just LOSE THEIR MINDS with the delicious discovery that they could wear sweats, scrunchies, and no makeup to class — ten minutes prep time! I think some of them had literally not been happy like that for a decade.

    Not even *distant* cousins. Read older novels — it's often considered totally reasonable and desirable to marry off first cousins in order to ensure inheritances stay within the family, and also out of a certain sense of pride. You want to be with *your kind,* after all. It's really a fairly recent thing, in the

    I maintain that "douche" is a very feminist insult. Something that gets uncomfortably all up in my crotch for no good reason whatsoever? Perfect.


    *Awesome* weird. Now I'm thinking I should get up the courage to suggest that to my mate; it sounds like a nice way to test the waters on sex and also maintain intimacy. Thanks!

    The Tumblr kids aren't famous for their love of nuance.