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    It's sexist because literally all you know about the new characters is that they are women, and that is sufficient grounds for you to decide you dislike the entire movie already. The people who are saying "I hate all remakes" are being sort of absurd, but not really sexist; they are hating the idea for gender-neutral

    You *could* spend all day at this website covering the situations of women's movements around the globe, but that would be super weird, actually, for a site about "celebrity, sex, fashion for women." I think public reaction to a genderbent Ghostbusters reboot is actually far more on-topic than the plight of Saudi

    I also would like all movies to be cast with the best actor or actress for each role, as I am completely sure the original Ghostbusters also was. I heard it was really down to the wire when it came to Sigourney Weaver versus John Travolta for the love-interest/person-in-distress. I think Weaver was the right call,

    You're seriously making the argument that Hollywood shouldn't make movies that would earn a profit by appealing to an underserved market that is excited about the idea of paying money for a product they would enjoy — because — money-grab? Rather than just, you know, rational business decision?

    I feel pretty strongly that an internet full of anonymous people yelling that they hate you because of vaguely specified reasons that rarely even bring up your acting ability =/= performance reviews. And actually, if I'd ever had a boss who said anything in one of my evals like people say about Hathaway every single

    I'm pretty sure that's why the teaching is required! Almost no one forgives because they think it's fun. It's actually not fun at all, and if we're going to get anyone to do it ever, it has to be kind of a discipline, you know?

    It's heartening to know that despite having three of the strongest female leads in sitcoms today, you'd be just as happy with Community if none of them existed. Women: always optional!

    Yeah, god forbid a grown-ass person would ever value the impression they convey to other humans over exactly what they want to do at any given moment. "No valid purpose" basically means "taking the trouble to look as if I gave this event as much thought and effort as literally everyone else did is beneath me." When

    My favorites are the ones that pair it with "This is between you and me."

    It's just currying favor with her base. "Conservative ladies who do not have to work for a living! People call you privileged, but WE KNOW that you are fierce mama-bear grizzly fighters, don't we? For some reason! One of any number of reasons, probably!"

    I ship Khan/Smaug.

    Not in a snotty way, but — how old are you? Because I remember the entirety of the 80s and 90s being taken up with hand-wringing about why The Young People weren't embracing the label of feminism. Heck, when Lilith Fair was happening, Sarah McLachlan was all over the place explaining that this wasn't a *feminist*

    I think she was covered in the "distancing herself from feminism" department when she released that "To My Future Husband" bullshit. Mission accomplished!

    Yeah, I think this campaign isn't so much about stopping sexual assault as about stopping *rape culture.* Obviously crime will pretty much always exist, but sexual assault is a crisis because so many of the "us" in "it's on us" are always willing to entertain all the reasons that it might not be real or might not be

    OTOH, Robert Downey Jr. is *orders of magnitude* sexier in his 40s than he was as a big-eyed prettyboy in his 20s. I never got the deal about him back then at all. Suddenly when he got all grizzled five or six years ago, I went *oh, HELLO, hi, are you new?* Some people just wear a certain air of having Experienced

    I just don't think there's any objective truth to the statement, although there may be a statistical leaning in that direction — perhaps rather more people find younger people more physically attractive than older people. BUT NO, guys, it's just not true that a woman who says she's attracted largely to people her own

    It was offensive then.

    I'm appalled that the girl who once slapped a shark didn't win. It should have just been over right there, here's your crown and everyone else go home. You know what kind of role model young American women need? Someone who will SLAP A DAMN SHARK if necessary.

    Have you? Because I've seen a lot of awkward foot shuffling and "this is such a hard situation for everyone involved" and "you don't understand the stress that cops are under." I mean, the fact that I haven't seen it doesn't mean it never happened anywhere, but it seems like the dominant response has been "it's

    Zero sympathy. Don't get into the business of helping narcissistic assholes get into office. Just do literally anything else instead, we have enough of all y'all already.