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    I'm kind of confused as to why the other grown-up living in the house faces no charges whatsoever. How is just ignoring all of this not child neglect/endangerment, whatever your relationship is to the children you live with?

    No, I know what you mean, because sometimes it is used prescriptively. But I really don't think it is here. I think it's, "Look, we're not just making this up! We found real women who really exist on the Earth plane of reality to give us quotes!" And I think more of that and less "these are tips that the same

    Or maybe the lesson is that if you're counting on someone to protect you from the consequences of punching women, you should probably lean heavier on the support of someone you aren't regularly punching.

    I'm confused: would that be a bad thing? Which part would be bad: that she's a sincere advocate for a worthy cause, or that she's taking advantage of an opportunity for a large platform from which to sincerely further her worthy cause? What would make you more sure, if she were less sincere, if her cause were less

    I think it's "real women" as in the opposite of "manufactured ideals of how women really should be." These are people with names and specific preferences and whatnot, as opposed to the typical fashion magazine aesthetic of "20 Things All Women Should Do for Approval, We Don't Care Who You Are." I mean, it's still

    This is why I think it's so intensely important to prosecute domestic violence as a crime of assault, instead of leaving it up to how the victim feels about it. Victims often become victims because they've been groomed to believe ridiculous lies — to really feel like they are to blame, or that this is how all

    "I don't care. What are you going to do about it?" Said a guy who has definitely learned a valuable lesson about empathy and respect for others.

    I know it's wrong of me, but my main takeaway here is: UP YOURS, STEPHEN BALDWIN. That fucking guy.

    My cat does that when he barfs. Just helplessly walks around the pile of vomit, scratching on the tiles next to it and looking baffled by the fact that it continues to smell like vomit. He's not bright.

    Would DNA evidence be useful for you? For example?

    No, I'm pretty sure shame is the appropriate response to grown-ass adults promoting a hostile environment for the kids they're in charge of.

    As a devoted Miss Manners reader, I'm pretty sure the Official Miss Manners stance on forms of address is: to the very best of your knowledge, call people what they want to be called. If they have always been Mrs. Burly Husband, that's how it should look on the envelope sent to them. If they are Mr. Bro Husband and

    For the same reason you park on a driveway and drive on the parkway. <i>Just because, okay</i>? Jesus.

    I feel like that was also the starting premise of New Girl, and it seems to be fairly popular among not-horrible people? Don't know, don't watch it, could be wrong. But if it transcended, maybe this will too.

    Yeah, thank god women are never groped, abused, assaulted, or battered in New Jersey. Can you even imagine??! I think it's probably Steven Moffat's fault in the UK, I guess. I mean, I maybe heard that somewhere, can't remember where, but it sounds true.

    Remember, kids, a judge who shares life experience with marginalized people is biased. A judge who shares life experience with non-marginalized people is a judge.

    Yeah, yeah, all disclaimers about how I Am Not the Expert apply. That said, *to me,* it is exactly the same as some white person "coming out" as a POC because they want everyone to know their grandmother is Cherokee. Okay, great. That's part of who you are; embrace it. You do you. But NO, you don't get the

    Actually, as A Bisexual Person, I honestly don't feel like I need a bunch of married ladies to brag about how they totally do have fantasies about Jennifer Lawrence...you know, for the cause. I don't give a shit what you fantasize about. Queerness is a lived identity, not how you feel in your heart of innermost

    "Name-letter effect" is even more obvious for same-sex couples? A quick mental survey of my acquaintance roster yields up no couples with alliterative names, let alone very similar names, although you see that in comedy bits all the time. Is this a thing that narcissistic dudes do? Is my sample population different

    Feminists believe that society unnecessarily burdens women vis a vis men, and that it should stop with that shit. There, boom. Everyone who disagrees with either or both of those statements is not a feminist. I have solved it for all of us.