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    There was a lot of hay made at the time of their divorce and the next couple of years about how paternal Brad was (well, is) and how *obviously* Jennifer had *refused* to give him the babies, so he'd gone and found someone who would. This made him excruciatingly sensitive and caring and family-oriented, and it made

    Yeah, but also I think there is still a place in the world for, "Okay, I shouldn't have said that, but maybe not cool with the death threats, guys?" The barrage of violent bile unleashed on the internet any time a woman upsets some armchair warrior is, while maybe not the very number one point here, *still not okay,*

    I'm definitely judging their thongs.

    The past is indeed another country, but let's remember that the narrative doesn't go hard-nosed tough-on-crime —-> hand-wringing loosey-goosey second chances in some kind of direct historical line. If you're, say, a woman raped by a government official, your chances of seeing justice may not be fantastic now, but I

    Because a *lady* would never find herself in such circumstances to begin with. Obviously.

    I work in a spa, and some of these rich people bite. Am I at risk?!?

    Because having sex with underage girls is just a thing that Happens, somehow, and is not in any way an indicator that someone is a reckless, self-centered jagoff who does what the fuck he likes without regard to how it impacts other people! Truly, *who could have seen it coming?*

    Science has proven that all Jews are women. Don't argue with me about it! SCIENCE, I said!

    If the shooter was one of three (3. THREE.) black cops in Ferguson... I don't know, that seems like a weird thing not to have come out in the many witness interviews? Everyone's demanding to know the shooter's identity, and no one, including Dorian Johnson, at any point said, "Well, I can definitely narrow it down

    Buy this thing! It is so good! It is way better than your wife, so much better that your wife will straight-up cry about how worthless she is next to our thing for sale! YOUR CRYING WIFE GOOD, that's how good it is!

    St. Louis County is going to be wading through an ocean of lawsuits from now until Kingdom come. I know it's small potatoes, in the grand scheme of things, but that thought brings me some comfort anyway.

    I'm sorry if you personally didn't mean that. I've seen a lot of comments along the lines of why does this tiny podunk Barney-Fife town with a population of 21k have a police force with this kind of equipment, etc. etc. I'm trying to say, they have Big City Resources because they're part of the Big City. This is

    The problem with your logic is that St. Louis County hasn't actually been disarmed. *Plenty* of the people who are demonstrating in the streets do, in fact, own guns. They didn't bring them along to the protest because they're not *clinically insane.* You're really going to argue that the police would be using less

    I wouldn't say "catch-all." I deploy it when it seems warranted, like when someone defends blanketing an entire town in tear gas and throwing journalists in jail with a ridiculous statement like "In my country, we would LOVE to be blanketed in tear gas and have journalists thrown in jail!" I mean...okay? You would

    Can we quit calling Ferguson "small town, podunk America?" It's St. Louis County. The Greater St. Louis Metropolitan Area has a population of almost 3 million. St. Louis County has slightly over 1 million. This isn't happening in some shitty backwoods town. This is FUCKING ST. LOUIS, the 19th largest metropolitan

    Obvious Troll is obvious.

    Not one but two smoking hot Lisa Bonet husbands in this edition. Damn, Lisa Bonet. Just damn.

    I don't understand the logic there. 60% male audience doesn't account for boyfriends and sons, either.

    I don't know, add me to the people who don't really get it. 11 years, and I don't remember ever feeling like, "wow, this is hard labor!" Yeah, I get annoyed sometimes. Yeah, not ever interaction is ideal. That's true of friendships and family relationships, too, right? People come into conflict sometimes, but if