Hastings the Hawk

100% yes, I really find my respect for Kotaku and this commenter to be at rock bottom after that article.  I couldn’t believe how badly skewed it was, and it calls into question the ethical compass of the writer.  If you can look at a sequence of events, and pull that narrative out of your ass, i’m not sure your

While true this article is still glossing over and making Price a victim of others instead of her own actions.

The repercussions you speak of are based on lies. Prices blaming sexism and mysogyny, bots and reddit mobs instead of her own actions is disgusting. There is nothing else to infer here. Thats it. There is no “ripple” its simply sensationalism. Read the offending tweets yourself. Anyone making a mountain out of this

Yes, this point was raised many many times in the previous article dealing with the ArenaNet incident in question. This one though is not about that. This is about the ripples the outcome of that incident is having across the industry regardless of who was in the right or in the wrong in that particular instance.

Exactly. If you work for a company lets say, and attack its fans for merely making a polite suggestion, you would probably be fired too. To add to that, she then implied sexism, misogyny and a reddit backed conspiracy...all for her own mistake of needlessly insulting a fan of her work and her employers. Unacceptable

Disclaimer: I am just talking about Jessica Price here, the other episodes of harassment are shitty and unacceptable and I am NOT pro-gamergate here.

Mines boring, it’s mostly white inside. I just wanted to be able to see. Also having a darkly light ship with the possibility of Man in the Wall just jumping out at me seems like a bad idea.

Being open to adult games? Thats one way to put it I guess. I would phrase more like: they washed their hands of responsibility for the content on their platform. Valve was being pressured over the amount of garbage games, troll games, hate/racist/shock games, and asset flips, and instead of actually doing something

Patricia, best of luck in your new endeavors! We will certainly miss you.

By having faith that the reader has the ability to use the G, O, L. and E keys.

I’ll respect your opinion Heather, as you play far more games than I do.

If you go on a date with someone and it turns out you’re not interested for whatever reason, but they seem like a decent enough person, then please just send a “thanks but no thanks” type of text— especially if they follow up. Unless the person you went on a date with has really a... concerning personality (aka serial

NO! Goodness...

Also, why is this not something that citizens of a democracy vote on?

“Does it bother you that I’m not completely human.”

WHY YES. YES IT DOES. You either need to be 20% less human or 20% more human.

And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”

Make them president!

I’d say yeah, we need the regulation. Right now every consumer, even those not buying loot boxes, are pretty. Think of CoD’s using every player as a micro transaction billboard.

Oh please. If Pokemon GO players didn’t have the attention span of gnats for this game they would have lost their entire userbase from the negative reactions to... Just about every newsworthy thing that has happened with the game so far.