Hastings the Hawk

So.... what's be doing with the worker units and those crystals? It looks like he's selecting the 2 groups of them and... what? Repeatedly telling them to harvest?

Can't figure out what this guy is trying to do with his phone... who the heck grips their phone like that?

It really should be time for fire extinguisher bottles and first-aid kits to become OEM kit.

Sad face... Overkill 2 incompatible with the sgs3. Guess I'll have to get a tegra tablet just for gaming.

Well, looks like I have go watch Laputa again.

Perhaps that's why he was shot!

Well then you need to be more specific when you talk about 'allocating resources'. Manpower is required to make a game so, aside from cash, that would be the resource most people would think of.

It's a fallacy to assume that merging the SP and MP teams together will create a superior product.

The worst part about all this is that the advanced kissing vid will now be listed on my YouTube history.

I had to check the website. Apparently it's not a joke; it's more like an observation.

I don't love it cos it's free. I love it cos it's fun. I really don't care that it 'looks awful' or that it's 'pinched things from so many other games'. GGG did it right and I'm enjoying it.

But the most important question... why are the train seats made of sea sponge?

Thailand represent!

Wait, wouldn't having completely upright pedals make things hard?

Let's hear it for a new SimCopter!


It couldn't be helped, what with all those ruptured eardrums from women who liked sleeping on their sides.

How about getting rid of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things? I never get what's it about because I don't read the rest of the comics and the one strip you post a week is part of an overarching story. Sunday Comics should strive to be non-sequitur. If people already read MGDMT then they'd understand what was happening, but

Don't play Dear Esther.