I use Out of Milk a whole lot. It's one of my top apps!
I use Out of Milk a whole lot. It's one of my top apps!
I don't get why people raging for stricter gun regulations fail to realise that this sort of matter is an either/or scenario.
Its like putting a song in your head.
Even though it's not going for realism, I don't get why any modern developer feels the need to have characters pull the charging/cocking handle on guns that have a closed bolt design after a tactical reload.
I respect Ubisoft because they actually price games properly in my country of residence. Most other big games we get here are priced in-line with the USD but Ubisoft actually have the balls to give it to us at a price that makes sense compared to our cost of living.
Well I'm specifically talking about how the legs work in keeping the character 'balanced'. Watching the 2 swordsmen in platemail fighting each other brought this guy to mind. Skip up to 1:24.
The funny thing in the alpha video is the way the legs are struggling to keep up with the momentum of the body movements. It looks like they're drunk because of how they're trying to keep their legs under them.
That... doesn't look fun at all =\
I really must stop reading posts while playing ski safari.
I'm somewhat surprised that Evan doesn't mention this in the post title or body.
Clearly he would be fine with that. It's such a minor thing... why would you let a missing controller impact your enjoyment of the console. I mean, it's so pretty sitting there on your shelf, no?
It's bad game design if the choices you make aren't provided along with enough information. Unless you are given enough information to make a good decision (and you have a plan for your character), it's bad game design.
Kinda hard to tell from the video, but... did that subie driver start accelerating before his turn-in? /facepalm
This game is... actually kinda fun! I am genuinely surprised.
So after an hour on this you step off it, go to high-five your friend, and blow him through the window with your massive static charge?
Someone buy this man a 4-point harness!
If you're referring to the Brickarms website they mentioned, that's for uniforms and weapons, not actual lego bricks.
Most of the time, the game and the DLC can be developed concurrently. That means that the DLC gets finished when it's finished. In this case, this particular DLC will be done and dusted only a few weeks after the game's release. It's not a linear development path where they go 'Ok, we're all working on the main game…
Seems that the AI in this game has really REALLY short sight cones >.>
Well, enjoy being pissed off then. The rest of us are looking forwards to Starbound.