
I think there is a super slow one in The Jack but other than that I am coming up blank!

yeah but god the groove Malcolm and Angus establish in that track and never let up.

The teeth rattling vibrato in Angus' half time solo more than redeems this song. Aside from the presence of a very rare near arpeggio in the opening riff, this song has nothing to do with the ensuing hair metal shit storm. Nothing.

I like Ronnie Reagan
I hope you like him too!
'Cause if we can't have anarchy
Republicans will do!

Does Mad Men have some sort of historical era exemption or is this a major network thing?

I think that although technically Ozzy wasn't a great singer, there are few singers who could convey fear and terror the way he did in the early Sabbath days. "Black Sabbath" (the song) is like an English metal "Hellhound on My Trail".

Destroyed in a good way or as in actually destroyed the awesomeness of Sabbath's music?

Hahah - sorry to disappoint your "friend" - I'm just a middle aged schlub trying not to be a middle aged schlub. And failing.

I don't really believe in the Big Guy but I'll say it anyway: God Bless. Keep on keeping on my man.

OH - and BTW, they DO sort of scam a trip to Europe so there's that nugget for you.

Not sure if you read the book or not but the characters are anything but saints or Christ-like or anything like that. Yes, they may be overly precocious but they are in the end scared children with cancer. There are a few scenes (that have nothing to do with death bed pathos) that will shoot water out of your eye

I'm a somewhat burly shaved head dude in his 40s. I mostly listen to death metal and old 80s/90s thrash. I like MMA and am overly invested emotionally in the successes or failures of the New York Giants. And I read The Fault In Our Stars and it broke me apart. And when I put myself back together again I was a

More like 10 Gerald Fords. Hitler was a monster but he was certainly not a pedestrian monster.

many thoughts on this one. First, how does a guy as old as Tesco Vee get the energy to still hold the thoughts and opinions of a teenage boy, circa 1985? The Meatmen are awesome, but still.

It was a running joke that Big Bird would call Mr. Hooper "Mr. Looper" and then Hooper would get mildly flustered and say "Hooper, Big Bird! It's Mr. Hooper!" But yeah, the scene was clearly shot live and in one take.

I was too old for Sesame Street in 1982 but I remember a repeat of this episode sometime the next summer because my mom babysat a bunch of kids each summer. They were all watching Sesame Street one day, the Mr. Hooper episode above. I was probably reading a Fantastic Four comic or something like that and I remember

It's always subtly mentioned that Harry is consistently raking in the $$$ for the agency and he feels vastly under appreciated for that even as the creative department loses clients or fucks up in some big way. He is also good at his job in non standard ways - remember that Joe Namath variety hour for Dow Chemicals

"Can't You Hear me Knockin'". Would have been one of their biggest hits if it weren't for the nearly 10 minute fade out jam at the end. And thank god they didn't edit it out.

Finally wrapped up season 3 of Game of Thrones - although I was aware of a shocking event called the Red Wedding, it still sort of, well, shocked me. Looking forward to the premiere of season 4 on Sunday.

The television version of TWD is headed into Lost territory: the show has a premise and scenarios so compelling and rife with mystery that as a viewer you feel you are watching a serialized drama that at some point NEEDS TO END. I suggest that TWD massively deviate from the comic book and start to eventually wind the