
There would be a middle aged woman freak out on Facebook if Daryl were killed. I mocked his runway ready hairstyle once and was unfriended in droves (sorta exaggerating but not much).

The beautiful and horrific animated opening sequence moves this episode into B+ territory. My major objection to the episode was the aforementioned idiocy of ever leaving these children alone, even for a second. But otherwise I thought it was powerful and I thought it was a major "didn't see that coming" scene when

An ethnically and gender diverse crew of folks talk all sassy like to each other, maybe even toss in a "you GO, girl" or an "mmmm-hmmm" and then discuss their sex lives etc. Then one of them tosses on his shades and we discover that they are a crack crew of - I dunno - Navy Seals or something and they totally start

He's definitely on the spectrum.

If you haven't, read the rest of the comments here. He is almost certainly trolling the public and is in fact sort of a moderate guy who plays nice with others in real world encounters.

I couldn't get through the Cold Six Thousand - it took the minimalism of American Tabloid to a degree where I just couldn't dive into the story. I might give it another shot since I loved American Tabloid and the LA Quartet.

He's a great writer and has more likely been trolling the public and the media his entire career. The LA Quartet is amazing as is American Tabloid. He also has a very creepy serial killer novel called Killer On The Road. If he actually IS an odious piece of shit and not a troll, he is one of those artists I choose

1. The Lavender Hill Mob
2. Kind Hearts and Coronets
3. The Ladykillers

Hi all - longtime lurker here but have decided to finally weigh in on the discussion. here's a list of a few fictional parties that would be fun:
The Thanksgiving gatherings in Hannah And Her Sisters - because this is a world of Upper West Side, classic 7 book lined apartment with a couple of old boozy theater hounds