
Oooo, ooo. I know this list. Why in God's name would it be any different than a list of "Best iPhone Games?" It's the same damn phone (with an adjusted antenna) and has access to the same damn App Store. Why would the "Verizon" version be any different?

I suspect it's just because the planet is rotating. If they looked into it they would likely not only "find" the reason we go in circles, but also that those circles are in the same direction the water goes in the toilet when you flush.

Wait until statements like that drive all the airlines right out of business... It will be entirely the government's fault, and then the stupid politicians will be trying to borrow another trillion dollars to pay for another stupid bailout.

No slow down on the Dinc but also I'm not sure where these craploads of new levels are to be found. Anyone see 45 new levels?

private video fail.

So long and thanks for all the fish... Was there ever any doubt that they were more intelligent? Douglas Adams would not be impressed with your limited views. :)

I'm guessing the author meant "nearly 3000 *inches* tall" with a desire to keep comparisons in the same units to simplify it for the readers.

lol.... 3000ft high. That's the funniest thing I've read all morning. Thanks. :)

Thank God! I'm a total fan of the books, movies, franchise, etc... I for one hate all this 3D crap.

@FauxReal: Even if you don't want to maul your only body cap, they sell for about $7. Buy a few of them and poke holes in them. You can completely fuck up 6 of them before you've hit the price point of one of the fancy ones shown above.

"Apple employe." - perhaps that's a Chinese spelling of the word?

Oh gross. He has no skin on top of his head. No wonder his hat is so important to him in all those games.

@theroselli: You mean of course Sandy Cheeks...

So both people that both have an iPad AND are interested in astronomy are going to be excited. My question, when's the Android version coming out?

Now with more DRM than ever before! All for only three times the price. :)

@qballdz: dead batteries = falling over whichever direction momentum last had you going. that's why segways are designed to stop moving well before they don't have enough power to stay standing up.

Go go Apple! Where else can you pay so much for something so pointless? That's what a TV is for. Mine is big has has loads more pixels than my phone, which makes it great for things like, I dunno, watching TV on.

@regireed: because they are delicious?

Ok, who cares? Any sensor on the planet can take decent pictures if granted the opportunity by optics that is suitable for it... This could be done just as easily with any Android phone, and Windows phone, heck, any camera phone really.