Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
stubborn dickhead quotient
I know, I know. Everything on this list is wrong. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode.
Take it easy on the guy. I’ve heard he’s got a lot of personal ghosts to deal with.
Trial laywer here. My best guess is that the friend of Doe was not there the night of the alleged rape, and thus her knowledge of the events are all based on hearsay and thus inadmissible.
If I was on that crew I would say that the game was over and the team that schmuck was on had forfeited.
As a sign of solidarity, Wambach’s former teammate Hope Solo murdered a homeless man.
Sorry, wasn’t it LeBron that forced a huge contract for Tristan Thompson for his energy and toughness? He should leave GMing to the GMs and worry about his on-the-court play and how he can make his teammates better.
That’s a good stoppage by the ref - yes, 2 extra punches were thrown, but the ref got in there FAST (the 1st punch, I’d be hard pressed to say he is “out” in real time)
Before you get on the NFL about this issue, just remember that they employ more colorblind people than any other business. And that’s just including the refs.
I turn 29 in February and this scenario of sudden, out of the blue, catastrophic illness scares the hell out of me.
I’m a 23 year old Braves fan. Tommy wasn’t much younger than I am when he first popped on the scene as the next big thing. Just getting his start in life like I am now. Just sad to think about how quickly it can all come crashing down at such a young age. Death is such a strange concept to grasp at my age. Growing up,…
According to ESPN’s summary of the new agreement, no, there is no provision for cutting a player. The commissioner can impose an unpaid suspension—and there is no minimum or maximum to the length of the suspension—that in theory could be for the next 324 games (the remainder of Reyes’s contract), but I’m pretty sure…
It’s gonna suck when Steve Bartman sneaks up there and steals the ball before Game 6 of the NLCS.
And you can take that to the bank, because if there is one thing we can say about Adam Shefter’s reporting on ballaghazi, is that it has never been premature, based on poor sources, misleading, or downright wrong.
While I don’t think Ray Rice has the physical ability to be an NFL back at this point (he didn’t look very good two years ago), I can understand why the union would be looking with raised eyebrows as to why Rice hasn’t at least gotten a tryout with anyone when Ray McDonald was able to land a deal with the Bears.
And what if that running back had been at the center of the biggest scandals to strike the NFL in years