Because this is about playoff teams
There wont be a noticeable change in game length until they start restricting the pitchers in some way, which I think would ruin the game personally, but hey who cares about the quality on the field if the games are a half hour shorter.
‘The NFL doesn’t really need to see the photos. As Tom Ley already pointed out, “The NFL wants these photos not because it cares about getting Hardy’s punishment right, but because it wants to get the optics of the punishment right.”
As a bruins fan I thought this was going to be overturned and you could tell Lucic felt the same way. But from what I've seen this year this is how the game has been called. But if I was a rangers fan I would've been pissed at that call.
poll: what's worse: that technical call or whatever is going on with that coaches hair?
we do make some great beer in vermont, shed, magic hat, otter creek, long trail, harpoon, alchemist...
if my coach told me to get horny for the puck I'd laugh, then get horny as hell for that puck.
while I disagree with Murphy's point of view, I don't think we should be bashing him for having one.
damn. We got to stop giving the defendants the means to properly defend themselves in court
my inside sources tell me sharp fucked keith's wife, kane's gf, and cheryl scott from abc7
so late on this
as a red sox fan who lives in new England, I don't know any red sox fans who still play the "downtrodden card." Most new englanders understand we are the luckiest fans in the world.
Chris Sale got hurt unloading his truck
Big words for someone who got away with a failed drug test because the owner of his team is a co-founder of one of the NFL's biggest sponsors.
Why the fuck would that dumb bitch sign her own name?
it wasn't a good movie but it definitely was hilarious
all these players are becoming a distraction. I guarantee none of them actually showed up to any protests. They just wanna get attention.
To be fair, if someone gets falsely accused of rape in today's society most automatically assume he's guilty and that persons life is ruined for ever even if he is found innocent. Those who falsely accuse should get jail time for not only wasting the courts time, but for potentially ruining a man's life.