Regis McGuire


This is kind of a dick question. WHY WEREN'T YOU SMARTER WHEN BILL COSBY RAPED YOU??!?!!? Also, I find it extremely humorous that people are just starting to talk about this shit. This happened so long ago and we knew it happened so long ago. People just chose to ignore it cuz they love Bill Cosby.

mentioning elizabeth warren as potential presidential candidate made me cringe

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I think three beat slide deserves, at the ver least, an honorable mention in the worst family rankings.

I love how his friends first thought was "we better save the beer caps"

do you really need an entire article to explain that Affeldt was in when the Giants took the lead?

I love how I have to watch an ad to see this guy punch his fiancee. I guess someone finally saw an opportunity to profit off domestic abuse.

but it'll make your dick fly off...

damn... the nfl hates me

Fuck Rob Tooki (spelt right maybe?), fuck suisman shapiro, and fuck ads. screw you guys, I'm going home.

to be fair. fights make hockey a much safer sport.

His fake tooth is probably cleaner than your real teeth. Also I know someone with a 'fake tooth' its basically a retainer with a tooth on it. And yes she gladly uses her situation to freak people out.

that is a dumb fucking policy

damn. a sweatshirt and a hat. classic douche look

now i want ribs

this is stupid

why refer to it as cheating? its just a penalty. penalty happens all the time. but yes that was a terrible blown call that changed the game

So apparently my county's favorite team is the Florida Gators and third favorite team is Ohio St. Which are coincidentally my two least favorite teams.

I take a skittle and put it between two starbursts. It's nice because the flavors of the starbursts really bring out a similar flavor in the skittles.