Lebron would do it. Then he'd grab the ball and throw down some stupid dunk with no one around him and it would be number 1 on sports center top 10
Lebron would do it. Then he'd grab the ball and throw down some stupid dunk with no one around him and it would be number 1 on sports center top 10
"fucking robin needed to borrow the bat mobile. said he wanted to impress the flash"
i also like smoking joints and dislike brownies. I guess you could say we have joint smoking habits
I actually can't wait to see this one. With this cast there is no way it can't be funny.
it's actually kinda fitting for the sochi cultural center
I'm gonna guess its like what third base coaches do on their signals. So say the signal for steal is a something like a swipe across his right arm, they usually have another signal that goes with it as a confirmation to the steal signal making it harder for other teams to figure out, so maybe the third base coach does…
blah blah blah refs are the pats 12th man blah blah blah refs handed them the game blah blah blah... oh yeah 4 ints from Luck and LeGarrette went BEAST MODE
Blake Griffin with another great almost dunk
would've been a completely different game with j. charles in. They not only lost their best running back but also their best receiver.
Not including Shitrope, Shitnado, Shitname, Shit Abyss, Shitty City or another Jim Lahey Shitism on a shit rankings list is blasphemy and you sir are going to hell for this.
just cross out the M, the A, the N, the U, and the L. Where the N was put a W, where the U was put a E, and where the L was put a D. Trust me, shit will be humorous.
i believe your looking at this wrong sean. the "snow flake" seems to be "cumming" from the camera man.
tough draw for the USA. Germany has always been great and Portugal of course has ronaldo.
i think last night some new york reporter just tried to start shit out of nothing. From what i've heard and come to understand about last night is. The Mariners offered Cano the 10 year 240 deal we have today. Cano liked it and the Mariners got excited expecting to lock him up that night. Cano said he wanted to think…
haha good point
to be fair most students are home on thanksgiving break. still the saddest-est though
vodka samm isnt the drunkest. she just got caught
from flopping to fapping. soccer really has it all