my prediction for mvp:
my prediction for mvp:
ive always wondered that myself because every team that runs the wild cat seems to leave their qb in at wr. it just seems like a waste of a player on the field. its pretty much 11v10 when teams leave their qb in, especially someone as un-athletic as flacco
their dignities were sacrificed when they signed their contracts
"It makes you admire this team for yet another reason. There should be more of this sportsmanship and composure at the professional level. Boston Red Sox chest thumpers in the WS should take note." Direct quote from a Cardinals fan in the comments section of the article.
I'm hoping this article works as a prequel to foodspin doing a Frozen Pizza's ranked. Personally I think Digiorno is the best ive had, california pizza kitchen the worst, and mystic the most overrated
I don't know about ya'll but these doctors are pissing me off. So today im gonna do some dip and speak my mind. *throws in lip of vagisil* thats a big dinger right there. So i found out these doctors wanna keep us from racing concussed. *spits* WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT? Thats fucking gay as hell.
this just made me happy. +1
it happened to me once. i believe it was madden 04 or 05 and i was using the chiefs. it was just some random offensive lineman i had never heard of but i had never seen it before or seen it since.
i'd rather be hit by a car then steak sauce too.
haha that would be fucking awesome. If Boston somehow got the money to pay him that would be the ultimate FUCK YOU
Doc will be missed but this is a great deal all around. Doc would have left the Celtics because he wouldn't want to rebuild again. So they sent him to the Clippers who desperately need a new leader, Doc gets to coach a championship contender (if Paul does sign back), and the Celtics get a first round pick and don't…
he probably just handed him a golden bear. his eponymous drink