
That was what I thought initially, but Quinn is meant to be 14, so it seems weird that his sister, who is maybe a year above him at the most, bullies him so much.  (Or maybe they’re twins and in the same grade?)

For my sins, I am currently watching season 4.  I have no idea why; I loathe this show with the fire of a thousand suns, and yet I just keep watching to see what ridiculous shit they’ll do next.

Do not let Gwyneth hear you say that.

Agreed.  Dani isn’t a skeeze but he is definitely someone who embraces life fully.  I imagine he’s often in some sort of group sex scenario, just delighted with all the limbs.

I was initially wary of the Trent Crimm joke (not a fan when shows pick up things that the fans are doing), BUT I thought the little smile on Trent’s face was very telling.  He too has found his people (even if it’s a much less-crowded press room than before).  I also thought it was interesting that he was still there

I think that, yes, the Mayor sacrificed Ryan and the Sheriff sacrificed Sam less to get something he wanted and more to try to off the kids to keep them from figuring it out.

Tears in Heaven was nothing but a pity buy and no one can convince me otherwise.

What is it like to be this stupid?

That was also my assumption after 1978, that Mayor Goode was the baddie (or involved in some way) and Sheriff Goode would need to help take him down. But nope!

Agreed wholeheartedly. There were some mistakes I think that Southgate made in subbing players too late on the final, and in no world should you rest the fate of the entire tournament on the shoulders of a 19 year old (and my god, it was heartbreaking to watch him break down afterward), but it was England’s fans who

This Happened To Me so I can say with honesty and experience: wish them a good life, advise them to focus on their relationship, and then immediately block their number.

While the accents were . . . not great (and also not needed!), I thought it was a great end to the trilogy. The twist was great and fit into the thematic whole, the Offspring needle drop made me laugh and it answered all the questions I had about it just being Shadysiders to suffer. And “why do you smell like an

Very excited to hear that Sam gets more to do in Season 2. He’s such a delight, as is Dani Rojas (Dani Rojas!). And I’m also glad that they’re focusing more on Ted’s mental health this season. I really liked how they showed that even the happy-go-lucky people are struggling with shit, which is why it’s important to be

It’s coming out in four days; I wouldn’t say that’s too long a wait for a review to go up.

No thank you for getting this stuck in my head all fucking week.

Watching ASH be such a smarmy asshole is such a delight. And watching Ted calmly hand him his ass during darts was even more delightful.

The way Patty leapt out of the massage chair after it started getting fresh had me giggling.

That was, like, the easiest class assignment ever.  

Yeah, but I think that’s fairly intentional. Paxton is supposed to be, basically, the ideal tv teenager guy who absolutely does not exist in real life.  (I for one definitely did not go to school with any Paxtons)  

Oh, but I think the John McEnroe of it all is probably the best joke in the show. His yell-talk delivery and the fact that he couldn’t be less like a teenage Indian girl if he tried is part of what makes the show for me. I die when he’s flatly describing Devi’s thirst for Paxton’s.