
@Frazzleberry: If you're talking about the PS3, it is as long as it was a first gen. The other generation of PS3's I have no idea about, but mine is pretty backwards compatible. They even sell a memory card reader to transfer old save games.

@UweBollocks: Nickleback is going to have a Rockband Package! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

@wild_world_girl: Everything I read about Apple, Google, etc. gets so tiring. I mean, there is something to be said for actually trying to the device, or waiting until others do, before coming to a conclusion. If I want a pretty looking paper-weight, I'm going to buy a damn pretty looking paper-weight, not an iPhone.

No, you have to hold it sideways like a gangsta.

@ding-dang: Two things get chicks my friend, money and good looks. Microsoft has one, Apple has the other.

@Maave: What about pudding charts. That is the most under-rated desert-chart ever.

@Agrippa: Those read like words from an M$ fanboy to me! (j/k)

@Peter Shultz: I realized my mistake a little late here. I agree with you, it was no malicious, but my point still stands. Even if the program was benign, it did nothing at all. Google removed it because there was little point to it being there, from what I understand.

@Faux Bravo: Yeah, looking at it again, that is pretty much exactly what I meant. I'm sure they are not permanent, but it was a little odd to watch the cat walk like that. It was hard to know if I should feel sorry for it or give it props for being such a trooper. I still lean towards the later, but yeah, it looked

@Jeremy Sarrasin: I was actually talking about the cat's walking posture. Physically it seemed a little off, mentally this cat is obviously pretty hardcore.

@MurderDeathKill: Yeah, that actually looks almost natural. Glad for that.

@kallidoan: Well, I like Italian food. Just about every kind I've had in fact.

@Stealth_chill: When Bruce Willis was dead at the end of Sixth Sense I

@RockyRan: It probably should have been done in-house.

That poor cat, glad he can walk, but he looks... wrong. I can't quite explain what I mean in words.

Yeah, but what kind of lens did they use, that's my question?

@Peter Shultz: This is not a black and white issue. Sure, I don't like the fact that they are able to do something like this, but if it only removes something that is damaging my computer in some way (read not necessarily physical) then why should I complain. That is what Google did.

@ri59: Because it's, technically, politically correct. I don't like it either, because being pc is a ridiculous attempt to generalize a group into one category, but that's the truth of of the matter.

@Dylan Lloyd: They only removed one app, and one that was malicious at that. They did not take any personal information off the phone. Besides, Google already has the information of everyone who uses Android. They have no need to actually hack into your phone.

@Wozamil: Do you only sleep for an hour a night? It does not take 8 hours to download an update, that's just ridiculous.