
This is a little bit irritating. I feel as though these parents, good intentions or not, are providing fodder for a slander happy media that has done everything in its power to talk down to video games since they have been created. I feel no sense of sympathy for these adults going on about how the game has insulted

@Charliehorse: I think that' s a reflection of someones purse...

@CommodoreRake: Depends on what I'm using it for really. I don't want one if I need to actually manipulate a picture onscreen, but for reading and (possibly) viewing shows it may work.

@Spartanical: Agreed, it's actually amazingly hard to be minimalistic with anything and still get the desired effect across. Off the top of my head, a good example is trying to sum up a three hour movie in 3 minutes.

@pevans34: I agree, and I was talking about being better as a system rather than as a entertainment center. I'm not downplaying the XBox360, but I bought the PS3 because it gave me more options. This is pretty much arguing VHS vs. Betamax. Betamax as a recording media was way better and allowed for much more

@Veaviticus: The biggest problem is the implementation. The main reason the crank was able to be replaced was because it did not require extra work. If Apple is able to implement this idea without making more work (i.e. buying new headphones) then I can see it succeeding. If not, well, let me just point to my friend

@brijazz: The Model T was broken, you had to hand crank the engine to start it. The point is that there is no real problem with the jack as it exists in its current state. It has no downside that calls for a remodel of this caliber.

@pevans34: So you can do everything on your console that the PS3 does. Somehow I doubt that, there is a difference between a machine that only plays games and one that allows you to play games and do everything else that entertains. The only thing that the PS3 doesn't do is provide a person with cable television.

@RuckingFetard: Do you just like arguing semantics? Seriously.

@comtar: Don't forget that the main character has to be in highschool/junior high. Wouldn't want alienate the below 18 crowd.

@A.Jaswal: Yes, and I am reminded of a Engadget podcast where Josh calls Steve Jobs a liar, and although it was for something unrelated to this, it is still true.

I want a new Evil Dead movie in 3D. With Bruce Campbell.

@TheLQ: That's nothing, I saw a grilled cheese sandwich that was around six-inches tall. Seriously. It was just one sandwich with around ten slices of cheese and about half a loaf of bread.

@wheresbicki: Americans are truly sad when it comes to their food. Either we want totally organic or we want to die from the first bite of what we eat.

@FormerlyTheRiseOfRoy: Sorry, that didn't work well, I was trying to tell the other members to watch the movie.

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Okay, I was just wondering because there have been cases in the distant past where that has happened off the coast of Virginia. Of course, Russia and America have got past all of that, but it was interesting to hear about. The Akula was a freaky submarine.

@Jeff: Yay American, first in unhealthy technology. Where else can you find Baconaise AND a pancake wrapped sausage on a stick.

@stavosws6: I feel as strong as a bear... That's as strong as 100 bears!