
@Charles Gedeon: You can't, this was cleared up in a post above.

@Dirtypas: It's still a better deal than actually buying every game you want, if you are a hard core console gamer.

@.Trenchant.: This could be because of the other people updating at the same time. That is the only thing I could possibly think of.

My PS3 will wake up by itself?

@Tiger-Fever: The antenna thing was apparently only on the first production models. As far as I know it has been fixed. It is not in every iPhone4 just in a small percentage of the first releases.

@Fulgurite: Wait, so instead of the phone arriving from the factory made out of a durable material, you would rather have it look pretty and then cover up the aesthetics of it?

@tumes: So what? I should keep my phone in a damn safe?

I agree with this whole article.

@Nano-Byte: Right, that was my point. Viruses don't just "do" things. A virus requires action by the user in order to carry out their programming.

@jupiterthunder: Even so, that does no good if you don't know what OS they have and how to reprogram it.

It seems to me that the main point of this article is that human interaction is required for most of these viruses.

@Sumada: I was just brainstorming on what creators have the most innovative minds. Innovation is what motion control needs before it can truly move forward. Right now the whole genre is stuck in a rut of simplicity.

@DTheRPGFan657289: Either smooth or totally hackneyed. There seems to be no in between. Then again, that is definitely a generalization.

@Baron Von Crogs: I agree, but it was still a good show. My general mindset is to not think too deeply into most of those sci-fi shows. I mean, it's already set in a place that probably either does not exist or I will never get to see.

@Sumada: I can't help but feel like Miyamoto would come up with a game using the Kinect that would propel motion control forward. Him or maybe Kojima, those are the only two I can think of that have the type of outside-the-box thinking (or in Kojima's case, inside the box) to do anything worthwhile with this

@HideyoshiJP: You know, even with that taken into account, there seems to be SOMETHING off in one of those pictures. I can't really put my finger on it, but something is amiss.