
@Zim: It looks like they did not put a whole lot of gradient detail in the picture, which would explain the flat look of the textures.

@DTheRPGFan657289: That was the first one I was talking about. I liked that one but just never got around to seeing the others. The reason I was asking is that I actually wanted to see those and I can do that now since the time is available to me.

@Vuvuzio: One can do a lot with those kind of "people skills".

@cassiebearRAWR: Indeed, that was a good one. PA (as those in the know call it) is so consistently a win it amazes me.

@ChimDeathmonkey: I might get this since I like Lucha Libre the best out of the franchise choices. Much more entertaining than a big guy just hitting another bigger guy for a long time. The acrobatics are win for me.

@wildfire359: Understood, I used to love TNG, but it slowly lost its appeal towards the end. Were the other two movies any good (First Contact or Insurrection)?

@Alluvian: And that's fine, I was in no way trying to downplay that. What I was saying is that I have a different view on things. The emphasis being on me. Opinions are opinions, mine stink just as bad as every other persons', but that does not stop them from being expressed.

@MrNose: 22's at least.

@omf: That poster makes me laugh. Thanks, I needed that.

@Fatty McElbows: Um, because people have different views by the very nature of them being human. And alive. It has to do with the perception of what happens around you...

I loves me some Suicide Girls!

@tk.: Best part about that movie... The freaky music.

@famoustrip: "Some" senators? You mean that douchebag from Texas. Yeah, BP gets what it deserves for this. Actually, it will probably deserve more than it gets.

@Asimoved: Vin Diesel, never before has one man sounded more manly. This includes his name and his voice.

@MrNose: Ooh, and don't forget a little spoiler that bolts on to the back.

@tybeet: "XBox. Quite game."

@Asbestos_Underwear: I want to see a Kinect game like Prince of Persia. One must do real parkour in their room. That sounds fun, if not a little dangerous. This would definitely be the complex game you are speaking of, right?

@legendnthemaking: This and Wishbone the dog where my most watched shows as a kid. Thinking back on it, that dog was a little annoying.

@wirebrain: Reading raaainbow. Reading rainbow.