
The part of E3 I found a little surprising, and this is not counting anything the Big Three did, was Ubisoft. They had so many different things on the table it was like a buffet. Of course, buffets usually give me stomach aches but we'll see what happens.

@Shinta: Not especially, just the fact that it controls games by movement. There did not seem to be a large GAF level for it by Sony. A little like the PSP.

@PatMan33: It was because of all of the WiFi usage. Lol.

@W10002: From what I understood, it will only be on the PS3 and PC. I could have misheard it though.

@TuxBobble: I thought that it was more incredible that Valve teamed up with Sony. That was a blind left hook. From a ninja.

@surft: Except Nintendo still can't do good graphics. Look at the PSP an you can see what I mean, and that hand-held was released decades ago (okay, maybe not quite that long ago).

The only complaint I had with Nintendo is that hey never really showed anything. Yes, it is hard to show 3D on a standard screen, and by that a mean it does not translate over the medium, but even actual game-play. They showed trailers, which never translate to how a game actually is. Other than that I was pretty

@Sam fisher's a aimbot: Picard looks as though he is staring at a phallus sticking out of someones forehead.

@Gilliam: Lol, that's awesome.

@Theophilus P. : I believe this is like Megaman X. Not Megaman 10, but a whole new experience. Also, it shoots things with an arm cannon.

@TRT-X: A Kotaku Plushie! That would kick some major butt.

@Nowell: Pow! Biff! Kablooie!

@Stem_Sell: whoa, he looks like a cra-I mean chocolate head. Seriously.

@Maori_Yelir: The buyer would have to be a stoner themselves, and the only stoner that could afford an iPad would be someone like Snoop Dogg.

@conman577: I agree with you on the one hand. The two party system does cause a lot of unnecessary conflict in politics. On the other hand it also helps to get a well rounded point of view on an issue. I do not believe that the two party system is needed, necessarily, but I do think that conflicting views are.