
@myketuna: The Protector really only lost me, and almost completely, when he was in the room being attacked by all of thosed dudes and "breaking" their bones. I was like, "they really expect me to believe that hurt? Do they think I'm four?"

@Silent: This thread was brought to you by the letter "T" and interneters like you.

@natedogXVI: First Halo clones, now MW2 clones, good job on the originality game developers. :P

@The Forgetful Brain: I agree with you on that, but I'm not sure if the Kotaku boards are the place to do such dangerous thinking (that is, dangerous in the social way). As a person I enjoy observing people around me, but it really annoys me when people think that everything has to be so black and white. Either we are

@Lanhoj: Ah, my bad, I was pretty young when I last saw that movie. Still, he gets a better fight scene in this one.

@The_Foo: ... and also IT'S GHOSTBUSTERS!!

@minusX: They're casting a magic spell on the keyboard!

@Krakenstein: It looks like it took about 20 shots of Stroh rum and died.

@InsertBullets: You know, I really hate to nitpick (obviously that is untrue since I'm typing this), but there is something inherently wrong with the beginning of that sentence.

@Lanhoj: Considering he was not in MK2 at all, yes.

@TigerKnee: I liked Ongg Bak better action wise, but yes, the Protector does indeed rule.

@heretrix: Maybe because it's fun to make jokes about pompous asses on television? Just a thought.

@BallPtPenTheif: It's Xtreme!!!! Like really Xtreme, so much so that properly spelling the word would bring down how Xtreme it really is. Xtremely.

@Gameslaya: I would say to follow the rule of thumb for these kind of topics in the workplace. Don't talk about them or insight anyone else to talk about them.

@conman577: We never really stopped being a police state, just toned it down really. Why do you think we still station troops in countries that are not the US?

Because Kotaku felt there were not already enough arguing comment posters on this site...Thanks.

@soviet_monkey: You realize being rational with these people never works right? I gave up a long time ago, and because of that I feel my life has become less frustrating.