
@Đipic: All of this together make me want to become a hippy. Seriously, this much death on either side of the war is not justified by anything.

@PathRifter: That is over half the amount of deaths in less than half the time... Wow.

@Mariblanka: I'm predicting some kind of built in Sony Move (or whatever it is now) ability. If not in these builds then later builds.

@Slatz_Grobnik: I hope they did not update the graphics. I want my retro ceiling tiles! 8-bit all the way!

@DocSeuss: I want it on Betamax myself, or reel-to-reel.

@Aethyr: Ah, that leave a distinct odor of bs in my nostrils. Sure, respect is one thing, but this is about making money. We do the same thing over here, just not to that degree. $60 when the game first comes out and then "oh, well it looks like we could have sold it for less after all, here you can now save $30 on

@Drogmir: So, the game models did not look like the real-life models? I agree if that is what you mean.

@DrezKill: No, the train in Spirit Tracks gets my rating as the worst form of transportation in any game to date. I t was a little too obvious that they just used it to take up time and there was little value to it.

@RedEyeNinja: Drop the keyboard, dirtbag! Hands where I can see them!

@Koztah: You and your words over two syllables.

@Stradigos: Don't want that math to get out of control. I can quit adding whenever I want, it's just so fun.

@kathartik: Have to say, and I do not dislike Beck in the least, that Odelay was probably his greatest album.

@ZenGaijin: That was a good drum, ready.

@HatchC2: Don't mind Gaga, just wish every radio station did not ONLY play pokerface. Seriously, she has other songs.

@neoyaku: Yes, and for the record, DJ Hero was was way harder than guitar hero. I couldn't even get past the tutorial in the store. That was the only reason I did not buy it.

So my question is, is there going to be an Auto-tune hero? Press corresponding buttons to sound more or less like a robot.

@PSWii2008: Don't forget the giant spliffs they would be smoking. The vampires would then get the munchies and go to Taco Bell to have a "bite" to eat. Get it. Huh? Puns are the greatest.