
@Interstella5555: I find the overall user friendliness of Freedom Toast to be delicious. Also, no crashes when one is done, if you know what I mean.

@Orionsaint: I see. Well I figured she was arrogant. She reminds me very much of Jessica Alba. Just was not sure where all of this info was coming from, and I really have not seen enough of her to know what she is like.

@fuchikoma: Ah, wasn't sure myself. Been a while since I saw the show. I knew she was young though.

@selderane: Hey, you got fantasy in my fiction!

@kagekiri: You just had to bring up the midichlorians didn't you? Seriously, who thought that was a bright idea? You don't explain something like the force, nobody cares how it works just that it works.

@fuchikoma: Most bad-ass heroine ever! Seriously. And she's only like fifteen.