
@Boom-Chicka-Ah: He needs a technicolor raincoat. Now that would be bright.

@Salari: Also, the craft projects play house music.

@Dawglet: That poor dog! Bwahahaha!

I suspect this might be a let down for DX 1 fans. For those who are not sure what Deus Ex is, it is probably going too be awesome. The whole thing just seems a little jigsawed. It was like the developers made the game and then tried to make it fit the original story.

@TRT-X: But Bush made it so easy! j/k.

@TRT-X: Ah, but he does not hate republicans. He hates when people do stupid things that make no sense. Sure he shows a lot of Fox News, and I'm not trying to justify that particular part of the argument, but to say he HATES Republicans is going overboard. He's Independent and therefore is open to bashing both sides.

@Orionsaint: Wait, so you know her personally? Just wondering, since you seem to know so much about her.

All together now, "... They will not stop us. We will be victorious."

The Virtua Boy failed because it caused people to go into seizures. It had nothing to do with the quality of the device and everything to do with the technology being used.

@gbw6700: Ah, pinball, how I miss the endless hours of playing thee. Seriously, never owned a working machine but I might as well have. Spent well over 100 hours one those things. Awesome!

Half-Life, including its sub-games. When they first came out, the two add-ons were around 20 dollars each I think, and the games was around 60 dollars. So yeah, Half-Life. Other than that I'm a cheap bastard.

@symphonycometh: Yeah, and it was not your typical "that made me jump" it was more like "holy crap, I might die".

@secretpizzaparty: Ah, got ya. See, because it was Fallout 3 there was a bit of confusion there.

@Hello Mister Walrus: I'd say one could do that with about 70% of the games out there today.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: Wait, aren't you forgetting Double Dragon... brah.