
@Sakilla: It's especially good since there is not a lot of plot to be had in MK. There is also the fact that one has to take into account when it was made. The only thing I truly did not like about that movie was the constant (konstant) "MORRRRTAAAL KOMMMBAAAT" yelling when any little fight started. Seriously, that

@pan1da7: Staring Harrison Ford!

@symphonycometh: I'm wondering one thing, was anyone able to complete The Room? That game scarred me bad enough to stop playing it. I got all of the way through SH3 but The Room scared my psyche.

@Boom-Chicka-Ah: After the end of the movie, the prince will be arrested on a charge of meddling in the first degree.

@marca_64: Exactly. People have trouble thinking beyond the entertainment value. A good video game requires practice just like any good instrument. Practice is the only thing that can bring out the full ability of it. Of course, on the down side there is less practical value to playing games than playing an

@Gh0stKiller: Solving for x and y and how to complete a square.... Probably.

@jellotek: Yeah, just go strait through the main quest as much as you can at first. The story is good enough, and it gets better once you get to the main DC area. I have trouble staying with most open world games, but Fallout 3 does get better later on. It's a little boring in the beginning since you have to mine

@delta.sig: Well, you do kill people in them. When you get right down to it.

@secretpizzaparty: As in radiated or radical?

@tonyp21: The downfall with the story was that by the time I finished the rest of the game I forgot why I started in the first place.

@marca_64: Fallout 3 is not subtle about what it does. I agree that the problem is exposure for the most part. In the case of Fallout 3 it is an RPG with FPS elements. Yes you are in first person, and yes you shoot, but there is a lot beyond that. The only way to understand this is to spend time with the game.

@ex_nihilo: Sony never really seeming to care about it? Check.

@Chris Morrison: Yeah, but the PS3 is a magical beast that lets one enter the fires of Mordor without being burned.

@legerrid: Well, with Fallout 3 it is kind of hard to "sum it up" as it is an immense game. I almost fell out of my chair when I finally filled the map with every marker. That's a crazy amount of game there. Granted, a lot of it is just walking at first, but there is still a lot to do.

@develin: I agree, just playing devils advocate in order to point out it's not a one sided topic. While this argument could go on and on it seems that this is enough. I think we, being the people on the board, get the point.

@sansa: you got spartan on my airfoil!

@Chewblaha: I believe a furry Lombax would go over much better.