
She never got her coffee refill. They left that cup sitting there and Francesca and Jimmy never reminded her or brought it to her or made sure she had some as she carried everything else out.

I think Tuan went over their heads. Did you see the way he looked over at the car as they walked to Pasha's house and the way he mocked them with, "I didn't know Pasha was the priority?" I'm not sure that guy in the car was just an American watching a newly defected Russian, but could easily be from the Center, set up

I would expect Will to make a beeling for Beau up at his mountain place with rations and everything else. He went to his partner to find Charlie, I hope he does it again. Would make sense for the setting in Vancouver. We need Broussard to be around as well.

This was just awful. Two human guards an a middle-aged woman, not even brandishing weapons at the exact time are what are there when they let Kara out of her cell to drain her powers. They show a shot with Supergirl face to face with Psycho Mom Luthor and she asks for the helmet. She could have IMMEDIATELY melted

For how big this whole world is on being scam artists and getting all you can, regardless of the moral/legal issues behind it, it's amazing that Debbie wouldn't just call 911 and get those two arrested IMMEDIATELY for what is clearly kidnapping. Enjoy 25 years in Federal Prison for 1st degree kidnapping. On top of

I know! She's probably the most powerful of them all. She can show up as a visitor directly to Diggle's cell, as either his wife or the Director or ARGUS, and then come right back that night or the next day as a 40 something Army Private not on the list, and not have it cause a second thought. Then with 9 minutes to

They just completely stole the wheelchair fire from South Park. "Miss Claridge, did Trent Boyett do this to you?" *BEEP* *BEEP* "Yes. Yes." (beep once for yes and two for no was the only way to communicate)

In a couple of years Showtime is just going to have Emmy Rossum and Claire Danes on a stage where they have a cry face contest. After that the round will be to find one person that isn't hopelessly attracted to them.

I kept waiting for Alison to find the bug Saul hid in her bag, after they randomly showed her buying bags/purses online, due to her checking out the stitching etc.. Maybe that's somehow still to come and how she finds out it was Saul, though she should have some idea after what's happened.

Yeah, "Ja" is yes in German that's basically pronounced like yah. I thought she said, "Ja…random dead hitman's name".

I think it being the third consecutive cliffhanger/huge reveal (Carrie's name in the box and it being her that was wanted dead/Quinn choking her out and drugging her/the plane blowing up and Allison answering the phone) kind of cheapened it, but I was still surprised it blew up. I didn't think their plan would work or

She's The Black Widow's mother from Marvel and working for the Russians all the way. Seriously though, when she answered the phone I thought she replied in GERMAN, but must have misheard it (anyone else hear that..there's not a tone of difference). That made a big difference and changed quite a bit since she's

Am I the only person who used to enjoy Louie and is dumbfounded with all these people saying how "entertained" by this season of…i dunno what to call it? I used to really like the show, but I find zero entertainment value in it and don't even see what other people are liking. Every Thursday it's an A from here and I

That was awful. All of it. The giant herpes sore on Rapaport's chin, that I couldn't stop looking at, etc etc. Louie almost seems like he finally got his shot to be different and out of the box of "normal" comedy and TV and has just taken it too far. Reel it in man.

I can't go through 780+ comments so sorry if someone has already brought this up, but I think the only thing that is up in the air is if Gemma tells him she murdered his father too. That's being downplayed here. I THOUGHT we might get something out of it when Jax kept telling Juice about how tormented his son was

Nip/Tuck……check it out. Lots of Tranny action.

How on earth did you miss the chance to switch Juice and anal sex in the sentence….insert anal sex juice joke here….would have been set up and epic. Maybe you've been turned off from sex like the rest of us hetro males after that montage.

Go back. There was the vibe buzzing in the background.

The only reason he did it was because Courtney Love asked about the small scratches and when she told him about he he asked if they'd get in trouble with the police if he told. He then went and created new scratches to get Grandma Bundy in trouble with the police.

It's like how lovers always wake up next to each other and kiss and make out like they wouldn't both have horrible morning breath. No, you pretend to go to the bathroom and brush your teeth or at least hit the mouth wash. Before that it's forehead or cheek kisses.